[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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(Sage and Helix are in a random hut knocked out. I told tokay I'd wait for him to come online before continuing for the day.)
"That makes sense, doesn't seem like there's much to fight here."

(By the way, I crashed ~8:30 PM last night and slept till now ;D)
More awkward situations, perfect! "So, erm, why'd you come back for Sage?"

( Go into the hut with Sai and Grayson. c; )
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"She ran away from us after....something happened."

(I'm going to run some errands, sorry D: be back soon~)

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Oh, hey Jean."
( Time to "accidentally" make Jean crazy. c:< )

I kick up some dirt from the floor. Okay, well, this isn't off to a good start.
Grayson kicks up some dirt and it splatters across my face. "ARGGHHGHGH!" I scream and try to wipe it off, but it smudges across my face and makes it worse. I fall to my knees as I panic and eventually get it off. I stare at the ground, taking deep breaths.
As Jean screams, I fall backwards and panic. First a human-wolf, and now a kid scared of dirt! What's next, a demon?!
Once I catch my breath, I look up at Grayson, eyes like that of a demon and I have a huge scowl across my face. "WHAT. THE. F***!!!" I get up and my rage sets my whole body on fire.
I feel the most heat i've felt in a long time. I put both my hands up. "I didn't mean it!" It was only dirt!
(We need someone to calm him down XD)

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE NICE, I WAS WRONG, YOU JUST TRIED TO KILL ME!!!!!!!" I shout and punch my fist into the wooden wall, setting it on fire.
I can hear Jean yelling, so I go over to the hut which is now on fire. "Hey, hey, what the hell happened?"
( Oh gawd, Laf, halp, Grayson's gonna die too D: )

I get up quick and and yell, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I turn around and break a hole through the wall behind me. I go through and get to safety.
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