[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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( 2 things. 1. Ima be RPing and doing math and a poster all at the same time, and 2. I HAVE ACHIEVED 1 BILLION COOKIES )
( uh huh
say that to my record of 4 billion )

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Losing my patience, I get up and drag him in front of the ever-changing beast. Face your worst fear, imbecile!
(Improvise? Wrap a jacket around head to stop bleeding? Idk

Try to use your survival skills if you have any? XD)

( Grayson's been sitting in a hut for three weeks. How would he have any survival skills? :confused: )
I look to the side as Sage keeps losing blood. Aw jeez, why couldn't she just be unconscious? I take my coat off and plop it on her head. It begins to turn red. "Oh no, my coat!" I mutter to myself. "That was my favorite one!"
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