[Roleplay] The Aftermath

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(Oh goal does this mean he has to shoot the dog o_O)

I start to shake and take my gun out, pointing it at the huge barking dog. I place my finger around the trigger and hesitate a little, just a but scared. I get ready to pull the trigger.

I stand off to the side with Jade and Ans.
I look to the side as Sage keeps losing blood. Aw jeez, why couldn't she just be unconscious? I take my coat off and plop it on her head. It begins to turn red. "Oh no, my coat!" I mutter to myself. "That was my favorite one!"

(Idea: Ask the others fighting for help.)

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(Bye guys! *Myst out*)
"IDIOT!" I yell, my temper flaring. "That's not facing your fear! That's running away from it!"
I run to Sage as she falls unconscious. "Grayson, how long was she bleeding?" I heal her wound, and frown as she doesn't wake up.
( You people are going to get me in big trouble at school )

I look at Sai as she comes over. "Not too long. I thought the coat would stop it..."
(I'll sort this)

I march up to Ethan, grab his hand firmly and force it onto the dog so he can pet it and stop it whimpering from the wounds. "Just pet the dog!" I say and move his hand around the dogs fur.

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((wait, is it dead? we can pretend it's dying Orion still. ))

(Nah, it's alive)
I push his hand further towards the dogs head. "Ethan, it's just a dog!" I tell him, then realising I am holding his hand and am a little to close, so blush ever so slightly and jump backwards. "Do the rest yourself!" I say quickly.
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