Don't Need Words
"No one will freak out. Just be honest and say it straight."
He hugged her back. "I'm sorry, t-there's just..too much on my mind..nothing I can talk about." He said, sorrow in his voice.
He, once again, thought about his mother and sister.
"My father died before I was born..." He sighed.
"My mother was accused of theft. They were going to take her to sister begged for them not to take mother, to take her instead."
He began to sob, "They took my sister to a forest, where they shot her to death...and even after that..they..t-they.."
His tears bursted out. "They took my mother for a lifetime in prison!"
He hugged her. "Why would they take them?" He cried out. "Why...why.."
He tasted his own tears, as they fell into his mouth. His tears made his eyes raw.