<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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She slowly got up and looked at her knees. They were bloody and scratched. However, she shrugged it off and kept walking, albeit limping while she walked.
"Not that I've seen." Satoshi replied, withdrawing his hand. "Just a few people survived, against all odds."

He sighed, as he looked down upon her. He felt abnormally tall.

"Hm." Ember said. Grabbing her pistol, "You need a weapon?" She asked.
Kaida sparked the match, and it lit. "Max stand back." Kaida requested. Max backed away, Kaida threw the match at the building. It slowly started to go up in flames.
"I got a dagger." He said, unsheathing it.

He smelt smoke. He turned around, all he saw was smoke.

"Oh no.." He murmured. He turned his head back to Ember. "I-I gotta go!" He said, as he sped off into the direction of the smoke.
Kaida watched the fire with a blank expression. It's good to watch things burn sometimes. Kaida thought to herself.
"I got a dagger." He said, unsheathing it.

He smelt smoke. He turned around, all he saw was smoke.

"Oh no.." He murmured. He turned his head back to Ember. "I-I gotta go!" He said, as he sped off into the direction of the smoke.

"I'm coming with you!" Ember followed Satoshi. "What's going on!?" She yelled out. (can like a creature appear or something?)
She winced and kept walking, completely blind to the smoke. She stared at the sky as she walked, narrowly avoiding stepping on sharp pieces of rubble.
Satoshi sprinted, leaving the girl behind. He arrived and saw Kaida watching the destruction, and didn't say a word. He panted quietly.
"Max, we should throw Takumi in here." Kaida quietly whispered. Max looked up at Kaida, as she looked down at him.
(brah mah name is david)
"Me too gurl,let's just sleep together so we can rest a little ok?"

(Dammit I keep mixing them up XD)
"Alright. Do you know anyplace?" She asked. Maki saw the smoke in the air. "Looks like there's a fire.. Making me realize I've barely had the hoodie on!" She said, putting it on and zipping it up.
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Kaida whiped her head around and looked at Ember, "Its none of your business, so just butt out!"
Satoshi stared at her blankly. "May I stay?" He asked. Though his facial expressions were blank, his tone was soft, tender and courteous.
As she kept walking, she took a step forward and fell into a large pit created by one of the bombs. She hit the ground, knocking the wind out of her. She gasped and flopped around for a bit.
Kaida thought about it for a while, then she noted his tone. "Fine, you can." Kaida replied.
Yuno had been watching the sleeping couple from the doorway for nearly hours. She had finally decided to take action. She grasped the grenade, made sure she had all of her belongings, and took one last look at the peaceful couple. Yuno felt nothing. No remorse, no regret. No sympathy or empathy. Just the feeling of hollowness. Yuno stared down at the grenade, then up at Yumi and Niko. "Bye bye." she murmured. Yuno then put the pin between her teeth, and pulled. She leaped out of the open window, using her pink and white polka-dotted blanket as a parachute. Yuno drifted to the floor, suitcase slung over her shoulder by its handle and teddy bear clutched in her arms, as the hotel that she had so many memories in started to blow to bits.
She tried clawing at the sides, but they were incredibly slippery and she couldn't stay on for longer than a few seconds. She kept going, her palms also stained with blood.
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