Kaida began to kiss Takumi. Takumi closed his eyes and kissed her back. Kaida reached for her backside and pulled out the scissors, she pulled herself away and stabbed Takumi in the throat; blood getting on her hands.
Satoshi stood up. Better see if that Takumi guy is Alice.. He thought, running in his direction. He came across a dead Takumi and a very-much alive Kaida standing over him.
Ember grabbed supplies inside boxes and containers. She ran outside seeing a bloody woman with a dead man by her. This world has gone to madness. She thought trying to sneak back behind the apearment.
"He deserved it. He was the one who captured me, and I had to play the act of his girlfriend, until I really did fall in love with him. I'm done with this world." Kaida looked at Satoshi blankly.
Satoshi returned an equally blank expression. "Aren't we all?" He sighed. He had realized how much Kaida had gone through, it seemed as if a hug could only salvage for her losses. He hugged her, staying as strong as he could for her.
Maki thought of the war. The selfishness. The damn government. The loss of her only remaining relative, her father. "Damnit! Why, why why why??! Why did they have to kill just about everyone?? To make us miserable? To make everyone's lives a living hell??! I wish they'd die! Selfish fcking ********!" Maki yelled, wanting to scream as loud as possible. Surely enough, from the anger and sadness, he wings emerged. Wiping tears from her face, maki flapped into the air. She took a preview of what had happened. " let's see.. the beater got stabbed, with 2 other people nearby..great!" She said, feeling a little psychotic. She soared to where Daniel was. "Hello!" She said, seeing his head tilted up
"I put alot of attention of what you said *sigh*" Then David reached to hug Maki "Look,we're all passing through a very hard time and this ****ty government hasn't do anything in 3 years,hovewer" then david taked maki hands and looked her at her eyes "you have all of us,especially me. I will be with you no matter what happens" and then he gave another hug to maki
Maki broke out in tears. She couldn't tell if they were happy or sad. She hugged Daniel back. "You know..I've been meaning to tell you.." Maki paused, thinking whether or not to tell him she likes him," I..wish to think of us..more as friends.." She said, her face being bright red.