<Roleplay> The Empty City <Roleplay> [ENDED]

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He stared back at Akise, his eyes lost their rage. It only showed sorrow, worry, and the regret of letting his other side loose.

"We all have had our fair share of insanity." He then gave her a tiny, tiny smile. "Looks like I've lost mine, I'm only left with sorrow, tears, worry and guilt."
Huh?! She isn't killing her?
*sigh* That's it my whole life is going to hell because of a f**kgirl psycho...not even a miracle can save us..
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Akise nodded. "Suppose so. Anyways, thank you. For everything. All of you. Taking me in, talking to me, treating me like a friend. I really needed that."
"It's something we all needed, just a little breather from the chaos." He said, quietly. "See you in the afterlife, be it Heaven or Hell. It's been nice knowing all of you."
Melanie began to do eenie meenie miney mo, pointing Lucille at each person. "You," Melanie had finished, and Lucille was pointing at Kaida. Melanie began to pout, "Its a shame Lucille picked you, I loved you the most." Melanie then put her face close to Kaida's and kissed her on the lips. Melanie turned to Satoshi, "Say goodbye to your girlfriend!" When Lucille landed on Kaida, the color drained from her face. "W-Why..?" Kaida began to full out cry.
He nodded. He looked back at Melanie, the anger from his eyes had disappeared. It was replaced with depression, sorrow, and acceptance. Even with that said, you could still feel his anger. It was strong, and radiated a warmth even stronger. He looked at her in the eyes, waiting for her choice.
Akise's face paled, and her sarcastic smirk faded. "No. Not her. Anyone but her." she murmured. "Kill me! Please! They don't need me as much as they need each other." she pleaded, desperate to keep everyone else happy. Akise was convinced that none of them really needed her. They just cared for her, like you would a puppy you found in a cardboard box on a street corner. (Don't actually kill me tho. Pfff)
(Yeah I won't.)
"No, Lucille never makes the wrong choice." Melanie replied still smiling. Melanie grabbed Kaida by her tanktop collar and dragged her infront of everyone else. Kaida began to scream, "Let me go!"
He saw Kaida get chosen. Suddenly, his rage returned, and it was stronger than ever. "You son of a *****! You're going to die, you ****tard! I'll hunt you down!" He was struggling to break from his bounds, squirming and trying to break free. His voice was only angry, the insanity returned. His face was wet with tears, as he screamed, and shouted, and at the same time, he mourned.
Akise began to hysterically cry again, squirming and struggling in her ropes. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." she sobbed, over and over again until it was almost a whisper.
Melanie began to laugh, "You'll never find me, you never will." Melanie then let go of Kaida's shirt. "Any last words, Cherry?"
Kaida looked at Melanie with sad eyes, "I love you Satoshi, take care of Max.." Kaida had closed her eyes, expecting the worst.
Akise's tied hands desperately tried to claw herself towards Kaida. Her nails were breaking and her palms started to bleed as they rubbed off of the rough concrete again and again. Akise grunted, frustrated, as she was hardly moving.
His anger returned to it's state of depression. His eyes returned to their hollow form, as he sobbed silently. He had no words left, only letting out a loud and ground-shaking yell. He was ready to fight, yet ready to give up. "K-Kaida....I-I...love you too."

He then realized that he had never actually admitted it, and he was overcome with a tiny sense of peace. He sobbed, tears streaming down his cheeks like waterfalls with no end.
Melanie decided to be a bigger ass. "Hurry up already-- You know what don't even bother." Melanie swung Lucille up in the air, and used all of her strength to bring it back down. It hit Kaida on the side of the head. Blood started to drip on the side of Kaida's head, fast. Kaida started to have diffuculties breathing.
Akise wanted to scream, she wanted to shut her eyes and curl up and just scream. But she couldn't. She was frozen, her eyes wide and staring forward as she watched her friend's head get smashed in.
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