[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

After realising what I did, I widen my eyes and scramble backwards. "C-crap! I didn't mean it- I mean, you did this to me! You put a spell on me or something, dirty perverted wolf!!!"
Not saying anything, I dive underneath the covers and scrunch myself into a ball.
I slowly back away from the hut, and try to find my way out of the forest.

I get lost, and decide to stop walking a take a break next to a tree.
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As I'm taking a break from walking, I notice that fire breathing guy walk by. His face was red, for some reason.

"Hey, Fire Guy! Do you know the way out of here?"
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I park in front of the hospital and sigh, "It's like my entire life hinges on people I know coming here."
"Mmm." I smile a bit, then drop the cup. "O-oh.."

I'm so confused..
After Jean leaves, I get out of my ball and go to the hospital randomly.
(/r/smashbros is literally tearing itself apart debunking the Sm4sh leak)

"Oh," I pick up the cup for her.
( o.o )
I lean against Ans ( is he on the couch I don't know ). "I'm glad I fell in that hole.."
I knock on Helix's door, "So, I heard you got beat up?"

"Saaaaaiiii... come on down... isn't it so cool how they put my hospital room on a pirate ship? Look how it rocks back and forrrrth..."