[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

( oh Jesus Helix )

I recognize a guy that Sage is with, and decide to pay him a visit.

At the point, I doze off against him, feeling much better from the medicine.
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I wake up to the sound of my car's horn. Wow... is it morning already? I must've dozed off in my car...

- - - Post Merge - - -

I walk into my family room, sit down on the couch, and snuggle up with my blanket. It's only a matter of time before it's all over...

(My last words. lol)
"How arrrrrre you? And when did Sage get heeeere, welcome backk..."
"I hurt at first, then they gave me this stuff, and then Sage left and I hurt again, but now I feel sooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooood... and Sage is back, too..." I smile at 'Sage'.
"Soooooo... what's up, Sai...? Did YOU kiss that guy you slept with...? Blazzze...?"

((Loopy Helix= bad wording :rolleyes:))
I want to get a drink, but I don't want to wake up Jade either. I also don't mind her resting on me... I decide to just close my eyes and relax.
I facepalm. "My god, Helix."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"How're you and Sage?"
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I eye Sai. "The heck is going on here, healer girl?

I cough slightly, and lean against Ans like a pillow.
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"Ask Saaage... she's right... waaaaaaiit, you're not Sage..." I start laughing hysterically.
I glare at Carmen, "You try dealing with a drunkard at midnight. It's not fun. Actually, today in itself wasn't all that fun."

"I'll get a nurse on that."
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