[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Is it supposed to hurt this much?" I whisper.

Now you see why Dad didn't truly ever love, Sai. He was afraid. Just as I am. Emotions will ruin you, but having none will also ruin you.
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"I... I don't know... Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Now's a good time to find the box.)
"I— I'm fine. I'll get Gio to stay tonight." My voice is shaky. I wipe the tears away, "Where should we go next?"

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(( the box at Blaze's house? ))
"As far away from him as possible. Anywhere is good." I smile reassuringly.

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(Yup. Maybe Sai left her clothes there? Then they sneak back and search the place?)
"Can we go back to your place?"

(( I'm assuming it's in Blaze's house bc I think you're talking about the syringe box

also cute gif I found



; o ; ))
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(And you find the syringes at the top of the trash can.)

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"Sure. Do you want me to drive?"
I let out a shaky breath, "That would be great."

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(( I kind of want it to be like

gurl when you get rejected you need to break into his apartment and trash the place
ummm.... okay
omfg look this is all his fault BOXES sYRINGes afnalfha;f;als

dun fo'get so slash dem tires

I lead Sai back to the car and start the drive to my apartment.

Once we're there, I park the car.

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(It makes more sense that either Sai or Sage forgot something there then they stumble upon other items.)

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(Well, I give up on starving myself. I'm going to brb once my food's ready.)
I sigh as I feel the car stop. "My dress. I left it in Blaze's apartment awhile ago."

"Want to go get it? I don't think his apartment is locked right now. If not, we can always break in." I add with a mischievious smile.
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I nod, "Yeah. He's still at the park, so we won't have any problems with being discovered."
I race up to his door and try it. I exclaim excited, "It's unlocked!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

After a while of staring at the sky, I fall asleep.
I hesitantly enter the apartment, "I'll go get the dress, you can check his study to see if there are any new papers. Be sure not to disturb anything."
"Alright." I walk into his study and see a new box that wasn't there before. I open it and find two empty syringes with a note on what they're for. I call out to Sai, "Sai, come quick!"

(Blaze is not stupid enough to throw empty syringes into the trash. They're in the box now.)
I smile weakly, "I knew he was in on it in the first place. I just thought...." I feel the tears welling up again. "What do they want with us?"

Shhhh. Sai, it's okay. Everything's okay.
I break into tears. "I- I don't know... W-why us?! W-why now?!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(What if Sai's brother runs into Blaze at the park? :eek: )

(( It's cheering me up but it's also making me progressively more upset ; o ; ))

I pull out my phone. "I'm taking pictures so we can show everything to the group." I snap pictures of the contents and outside of the box. "Let's go."
(But Blaze is asleep so he just goes him to something? Idk)

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I follow her quietly. The tears falling freely now.