[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I frown, confused. "Then don't. Sai is really nice, and she won't expect you to pay rent."
I glance at my phone, "****, I'm going to be late."
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I wave a hand to him as I run into the parking lot. "Thanks for letting me talk to you, good luck!"
I jump into the car and start the engine.
I walk over and open the door. "Hi." I reply as cheerfully as I can which is a bit hard considering I was crying a little under an hour ago.
I look up as I hear a familiar voice. "Gio."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I frown as I notice their sullen faces. "What's wrong?"
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I grab Gio when he comes near me, "Just let me cry." I whisper.

"Hey, it's alright." I pull her into a hug, "Shhhhh, just cry it out."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I look up at Sage, "What happened?"
I look down at Sai and I tighten my grip. "Where can I find this ass? I'm going to beat the **** out of him."

"Gio, don't." I whisper.
I turn to Sage, "Do you know where he lives? I'm going to slash that a$$hole's tires."
"He's my next door neighbor. Lives in the apartment on the right but he's not home so you can't slash any tires."
Well, that's enough moping around. I can't avoid my apartment forever. I get in my car and drive.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Well, my name is Sage by the way. I don't remember if we were properly introduced." I say, holding out my hand.

- - - Post Merge - - -

After driving for a while, I reach my apartment. I climb up the few stairs and walk to my door to unlock it.
I shake her hand, "Gio. I think I'm pretty good on the whole magical thing, but I have a question, why was Sai writhing in pain last night?"