[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I sit down at a restaurant and text my specifications to the realtor. I sip my soda.
"Just follow my car." I say as I walk into the parking lot and climb in my car.

(Brb food)
Later on, I arrive at the address the realtor gave me for my 'dream apartment'. I look up at the complex and sigh. "...Are you sure this is the right place?"
(( Grayson doesn't have a car because it's ~bad for the environment~ :lemon: ))
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((omg, what if you guys arrive at the apartment when Helix is standing outside, house-hunting? :p))
After realizing Grayson had no car, I let him come with me.


We pull into my apartment's parking area. "Sorry. I assumed you had a car."

- - - Post Merge - - -

((omg, what if you guys arrive at the apartment when Helix is standing outside, house-hunting? :p))

(We do... o_O )
The realtor tells me the apartment number, and goes inside to show me in.

"I'll catch up with you," I say as I see a car pull up. Sage and Grayson are inside.
She must not know cars are bad for the environment."No, it's fine." I step out of the car.
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