[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I lead him to my door when I see Helix in the hallway. I run up and hug him. "You're out of the hospital!"
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(( I like how Sai and Gio are just at home while everyone else goes through awkward/wtf is this moments. ))

"Hehe, thanks..." I look at the apartment number the realtor gave me((apartments have numbers for addresses, right?)). "Wait, uh, Sage...? What's your apartment's number?"

((Guys should Helix's new apartment be next to, across from, or above Sage's? lol))
(I kind of want Jean to go a little insane as he grieves for his dead boi.)

I start walking down the city, when someone accidentally drops some Tea on my clean shirt. Being so depressed, I don't even care my shirt got dirty. I walk to the apartment, just because I feel lonely. My face is white and I feel ill. "Hey........ Guys......."

(( jean like ))
((I'll just go with "next door" :p))

"Oh, wow... this apartment I'm looking at is... 215..." I look to the side. "I guess if I take it, we'll be neighbors, heh..."
I turn and see Jean, a stain on his shirt, but he doesn't seem fazed. "H-Hey Jean, what's wrong?"
"Uhhm, yup." I say, not sure if she's pleased or annoyed with the news. "I'll be right next door..."

"Uh, anyway, nice finally seeing you, Grayson. I'm gonna go and look around the apartment..." I run into the building, hoping my awkwardness didn't show as much as I felt it did...
I watch Helix run off before turning my attention to Jean.

I look over at Jean and offer a sympathetic smile. "Hey. Things are going to be okay. I promise."
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"You too, Helix!" He's obviously embarrassed.

"C'mon, what happened?"
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