[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I sigh, "That's your final answer, isn't it?" I reach my hands over to his neck. "I'm sorry," I whisper.

I close my eyes and begin to heal Blaze.
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"Guess I can't kill you, even though you're a prick. Like they say, the one who falls first is always the one hurt." I finish healing Blaze.

"But I can't just let you leave."
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I pick up the knife from the floor, "I'm upset, I'm really upset. I guess Gio told you how I like to keep things inside, right?"
"You really are an idiot." I laugh softly.

My hand tightens around the knife, "Forgive me, Blaze."
(( Just wanted to post this before anything happens


; o ; ))
"Now's not exactly the time to say that." I feel panic creeping up on me as I stroke his face.

No, Sai. You can do this.

The first thing I felt was fear. I wasn't a killer, I was made to help, not hurt. However, I quickly fell into a rhythmic pace. All at once my emotions came pouring out of me. My loneliness, my anxiety, my anger.

How much I hated my father. How much I hated being used. How much I hurt.

The next thing I knew, I was crying. I was crying while I repeatedly stabbed the man I loved. Cross that out, still love. You could say that it helped me heal, even if only a bit.

I drop on knife on the floor. My tears fall onto Blaze, mixing with the crimson. I hold my hands over his body. "Heal."

I don't say much for a while.

After going home from the hospital, I go to a cafe.
I've got to talk to Jean..
( gg Blaze )

I feel my stomach grumble.
"You ready for that resteraunt, maybe?" I smile faintly.
I lay on the ground and shiver. Why is it so cold... I watch Sai stab and heal Blaze. This scene oddly feels good seeing.
I watch Sai with a crooked smile fixed on my face as the pain enters my body steadily. "Having fun?" I ask.