Aug 21, 2014 #3,221 B Beary straighter than a circle Joined Nov 9, 2013 Posts 10,881 Bells 751 I get a fur coat from a leg on the wall, and put it on. "I trust you know where we're going?"
Aug 21, 2014 #3,222 nard Senior Member Joined Jun 14, 2014 Posts 4,492 Bells 3,448 ( Lel Saelix ) I sit on my bed and ponder what happened. How did that happen to me? I rub my temples. Just need to calm down.
( Lel Saelix ) I sit on my bed and ponder what happened. How did that happen to me? I rub my temples. Just need to calm down.
Aug 21, 2014 #3,223 toxapex I KNOW IT'S A GRANBULL STOP PMING ME ABOUT IT!!! Joined Feb 17, 2014 Posts 5,656 Bells 109 I stop leaning in so close to Sage, realizing she's waking up. I get embarrassed and scoot away from her. "Uhh, hi..." I say, trying to act like I wasn't two inches from her face a second ago.
I stop leaning in so close to Sage, realizing she's waking up. I get embarrassed and scoot away from her. "Uhh, hi..." I say, trying to act like I wasn't two inches from her face a second ago.
Aug 21, 2014 #3,224 M Myst [redacted] Joined Feb 21, 2014 Posts 14,661 Bells 155 I watch as Sai starts up her car. I start up mine and follow her home. This better be worth it.
Aug 21, 2014 #3,225 Naiad actually 4 Joined Nov 17, 2013 Posts 11,694 Bells 185 Ignore pls Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
Aug 21, 2014 #3,226 M Myst [redacted] Joined Feb 21, 2014 Posts 14,661 Bells 155 "Aww... why'd you go so far away?" I reply, feeling a bit dizzy still.
Aug 21, 2014 #3,227 Naiad actually 4 Joined Nov 17, 2013 Posts 11,694 Bells 185 I park the car and exit onto the street. As I approach the door, I reach into my bag to find my keys. "A shower would be nice right now." Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
I park the car and exit onto the street. As I approach the door, I reach into my bag to find my keys. "A shower would be nice right now."
Aug 21, 2014 #3,228 toxapex I KNOW IT'S A GRANBULL STOP PMING ME ABOUT IT!!! Joined Feb 17, 2014 Posts 5,656 Bells 109 "Oh, sorry..." I say, tentatively moving closer to her. "...Did you want me next to you like that?" I chuckle weakly.
"Oh, sorry..." I say, tentatively moving closer to her. "...Did you want me next to you like that?" I chuckle weakly.
Aug 21, 2014 #3,229 M Myst [redacted] Joined Feb 21, 2014 Posts 14,661 Bells 155 I park my car behind her and get out. "Did I hear shower? Can I join? Or is the offer not valid anymore?" I ask, smirking at her. - - - Post Merge - - - I look down at my feet. "You feel warm." I admit, blushing a little.
I park my car behind her and get out. "Did I hear shower? Can I join? Or is the offer not valid anymore?" I ask, smirking at her. - - - Post Merge - - - I look down at my feet. "You feel warm." I admit, blushing a little.
Aug 21, 2014 #3,230 Naiad actually 4 Joined Nov 17, 2013 Posts 11,694 Bells 185 I turn to see Blaze. "You followed me home?"
Aug 21, 2014 #3,231 M Myst [redacted] Joined Feb 21, 2014 Posts 14,661 Bells 155 "Well, I thought we were taking a shower before we were rudely interrupted." I wink.
Aug 21, 2014 #3,232 Naiad actually 4 Joined Nov 17, 2013 Posts 11,694 Bells 185 I sigh, "Just get inside before you scare my neighbors. They aren't exactly used to seeing people covered in blood." I open the door. (( Sai's covered in blood too tho so idk ))
I sigh, "Just get inside before you scare my neighbors. They aren't exactly used to seeing people covered in blood." I open the door. (( Sai's covered in blood too tho so idk ))
Aug 21, 2014 #3,233 M Myst [redacted] Joined Feb 21, 2014 Posts 14,661 Bells 155 I follow her inside.
Aug 21, 2014 #3,234 Naiad actually 4 Joined Nov 17, 2013 Posts 11,694 Bells 185 I close the door behind us. "I think Gio has some clothes that might fit you. I need to put the bloody ones in the wash." Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
I close the door behind us. "I think Gio has some clothes that might fit you. I need to put the bloody ones in the wash."
Aug 21, 2014 #3,235 toxapex I KNOW IT'S A GRANBULL STOP PMING ME ABOUT IT!!! Joined Feb 17, 2014 Posts 5,656 Bells 109 "Oh, okay..." I move over to Sage and put my arm around her. "Uhhh... sorry for getting you hurt... I lost my cool ((BLAZE HAS THAT EFFECT ON PEOPLE )) and I shouldn't have fought Blaze like that..."
"Oh, okay..." I move over to Sage and put my arm around her. "Uhhh... sorry for getting you hurt... I lost my cool ((BLAZE HAS THAT EFFECT ON PEOPLE )) and I shouldn't have fought Blaze like that..."
Aug 21, 2014 #3,236 M Myst [redacted] Joined Feb 21, 2014 Posts 14,661 Bells 155 "It's okay. Thanks for saving me though. That was nice of you." I say, a faint blush covering my cheeks. - - - Post Merge - - - "Alright."
"It's okay. Thanks for saving me though. That was nice of you." I say, a faint blush covering my cheeks. - - - Post Merge - - - "Alright."
Aug 21, 2014 #3,237 Naiad actually 4 Joined Nov 17, 2013 Posts 11,694 Bells 185 I head for the stairs, "I keep his clothes in the guest bedroom. Feel free to choose whatever you want."
I head for the stairs, "I keep his clothes in the guest bedroom. Feel free to choose whatever you want."
Aug 21, 2014 #3,238 toxapex I KNOW IT'S A GRANBULL STOP PMING ME ABOUT IT!!! Joined Feb 17, 2014 Posts 5,656 Bells 109 I freeze up. I don't know what to say... should I even say anything? "Uhhh..."
Aug 21, 2014 #3,239 Naiad actually 4 Joined Nov 17, 2013 Posts 11,694 Bells 185 I turn on the light as I enter the room, "Thank god that he cleaned up this time." Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
Aug 21, 2014 #3,240 M Myst [redacted] Joined Feb 21, 2014 Posts 14,661 Bells 155 "How about you pick for me? I can wait in the bathroom for you." - - - Post Merge - - - "You're so cute when you're speechless." I grin.
"How about you pick for me? I can wait in the bathroom for you." - - - Post Merge - - - "You're so cute when you're speechless." I grin.