[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I stretch after I park the car. Lia, it hurts.

Ahhh, but the pain will fade.

When? I don't think I'll stop loving him.

You don't have to, just give it time.
I laugh. "Yeah. Time to move on to bigger and brighter things." Well, I'm not moving yet... If I make it seem like I'm moving, they'll think I'm gone and I can hide out in my apartment for a few more days to finish up the job.
I nod, "Just stay safe, Earth is a vast place." I wave goodbye to Blaze as I walk towards Sage's flat.
I leave my trunk open as I go back to my apartment to grab my second box, passing Sai on the way there.
I watch Blaze's back as he brushes past me.

Lia, I don't understand. In my life, I've been taught to never want things. I know that I shouldn't want things, but why do I want him? Why do I want something I can't have?

I...... don't know why you chose him. I my opinion, there were many better options. However, they say that if you truly love something, you should set it free.

I know that he'll never be mine, Lia. I just wish he was.

You should know the best that wishing for something never helps. Just..... be patient, Sai. Time will heal eventually.

What if I don't want time to heal? What if I never want to forget?

......I don't know.

I stand outside Sage's apartment. "It's Sai."
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I open the door immediately. I put my finger to my lips then gesture to the sleeping people in the room. I whisper, "Why don't we go out for coffee?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I pick up my second box easily then walk back to my car, passing by Sage's open door.
I lock the apartment and follow Sai to her car.

Reaching my car, I set the second box on the ground momentarily to move the first box to make room in my trunk.
"How does the local coffee shop sound?"

I scoot the first box to the very left of the trunk. Once I'm happy with it, I pick up the second box. In my haste, I drop it on my foot. I mutter out, "****."
"Yeah, I'm fine." I say while gripping my foot and hopping. I stop and pick the box up again. This time, I don't drop it. Phew... One more box and I'm done.
Hearing Blaze's voice, I look away. He still intimidated me. More now than before because of all the near murder attempts... If only Helix was awake... I sigh.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I sit inside the passenger seat. "Sounds good."
I go run off to my apartment for the third and last box. This is a lot more work than I thought it would be. I don't even notice Sai's car pulling away as I go.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Yeah... I'm just a little creeped out by Blaze after what he almost did..."
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I flash her a grin. "Don't worry, I paid him back."

Should I tell her what happened between me and Blaze?

There's no need to. She'll just judge you like she did before.
