[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

(( We'll just have to see what everyone else thinks about it later. It sounds good with me though.


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I grab the drinks and head to the table where Sage is sitting. "One iced tea and one coffee."
(If Sai needs a topic change, bring up Helix at any point.)

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(Well, I'm happy with this plan. Everyone paired up. Even Jean's dad x Holly. lmfao)
(( Why would Holly do it tho? We need to figure that out.))

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(( Money? ))
I grab my drink from the table. "Thanks so much." I smile.

After taking a sip, I ask, "So, what's up?"

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(( Why would Holly do it tho? We need to figure that out.))

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(( Money? ))

(Probably. Maybe the spark died and there was trouble in paradise too. They were together 4 years before her "death". Blaze could've been lying about how well they got along. He could've spent all his money on booze, and other things plus the constant fighting forcing Holly to nurse him. She just got tired. I guess.)
"Well, as you saw, Orion is a bit.....off. I was thinking of sending him to the same hospital that Shadrach is in."

(( *hint* *hint* #Oridran
idk ))
(Probably. Maybe the spark died and there was trouble in paradise too. They were together 4 years before her "death". Blaze could've been lying about how well they got along. He could've spent all his money on booze, and other things plus the constant fighting forcing Holly to nurse him. She just got tired. I guess.)

(( omfg
That is amazing
How ))
"Yeah, that might be for the best. How are you going to end things with him or will you try staying with him?"

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(( omfg
That is amazing
How ))

(Thanks. :blush: )

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(And also with Jean's dad's wealth, they could've paid Lance to help fake her death to make it seem more realistic. Because Lance is Blaze's ultimate rival who always hits on Holly, the bartender at the bar he goes to a lot.)
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"I think I'm going to end things. A relationship would only put more stress in Orion while he's in this state. Plus, I usually can't just drop everything to go see him when he needs help.

Shadrach will probably do him some good."

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(( It all makes sense now O_O ))
"That makes sense. But you can always visit him as friends. Don't forget that." I say smiling.

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(( It all makes sense now O_O ))

(ikr?! This is coming together nicely...)

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(The Myst cleared away and I can finally see the Moonlite!)
(Puns are fun.)
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(( Elizabeth and Gio are both hackers, so they could be partners in crime xD ))

"I will, just.... not now. It would only hurt the both of us."

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(( Grayson has the patience to deal with Kurai's clumsiness, and he seems like the type that'll make her feel better about it. ))
"Yeah... You wouldn't want a repeat of today..."

(I think it's night in the RP, right?)

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(Oooh, they would be awesome partners in crime! :eek: )

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(Yup, plus their little scene with the vase breaking is a good indicator. :) )
(( I think so. I haven't had the time to read up on Shadrach yet, but he and Orion will have plenty of time together.))

"Sorry about Blaze. I sometimes forget that he doesn't care about me as much as I care about him."

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(( let's just hack into the government database together :rolleyes: ))

I sigh. "It's fine... I should've given him his keys before it escalated like that..."
(( can you imagine Kurai and Grayson gardening together? ; o ; she screws up a lot, but he just pats her on the head and helps her until she does it correctly ))
"And I should've remembered that he's extremely forceful. I shouldn't have asked you to bring Blaze along."
"And I shouldn't have called Helix for help... I forgot just how much those two hate each other..." I take a sip of my iced tea.
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(( can you imagine Shadrach screwing around and flirting with all the girls at the hospital, and then One day he meets Orion,
and Orion sees straight through his fake smiles and lies.
Orion then becomes someone that Shadrach can love and depend on))

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I laugh softly, "Looks like we both got stuck with hotheads."
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"Yeah..." I take a sip. "I... umm... kissed the hothead today in fact." I admit, blushing.

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(Omg! That sounds so true!)