[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I began describing how I woke up to him so close, the kiss, the hand holding, and how I almost admitted I liked him when we were interrupted.

(Sorry but this is faster. lol)
(( who interrupted them?))

I sigh. "There's always gotta be cockblock before a confession."
"Yeah... I had two. Jean and Carmen came looking for advice. Then we all ended up playing Truth or Dare." I giggle to myself remembering who Carmen kissed.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Jean, and Carmen interrupted. Then Kurai saw and joined too. Those three you saw asleep in Sage's apt. when you picked her up.)
"Speaking of Jean, have you seen Ethan recently? They used to always be together."

(( Sai doesn't know ^^"))
"Well, I was watching the news and I... umm... saw Ethan on there. He robbed a bank, fired at the cops, and got shot. He's dead, Sai."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Sage watches TV so I'll assume she saw.)
I choke on my drink. "Wait, what?! Why the hell would Ethan rob a bank?!" I rub my temples. "Oh my god."
"I— I understand that it's upsetting to be in our position, but doing something like this...."
"That's great!" I clap my hands together. "We should buy him housewarming gifts later."
"Oooh, that sounds fun! I also heard a rumor that Blaze is moving out." I say with a cautious tone, unsure of how Sai would react.
I look down at my drink. "He— uh— he told me. Apparently his job here is done, and that was the only reason he hung around." I feel the tears welling up. "But on the bright side, he's moving onto better times."
"Wait, if his job is done, he's free, right? And no longer our enemy... Why don't you go after him and convince him to stay?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Mobile kept being an a** and wouldn't let me shrink words.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Reading, one sec)

(Let me know how you like my Holly idea. ;D )
"He doesn't love me, Sage. He said that." I hang my head. "Why couldn't my name be Holly? Why couldn't I have been born blonde?"
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"What should I do? Is he even still back at the apartment? Sage, what should I say to him?" I begin panicking.
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