[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

("Oh, really? Because this 'filthy slut' not only is engaged to me, but we have child together." I say seriously.
(I was going to post this if you didn't edit XD)

I hear commotion outside.
I repeat annoyed, "I am done with her. She means nothing to me. I am not touching her."

She mutters back, "You sure loved how I massaged your shoulders earlier!"

"That's my own weakness, okay?"

"I can name a half dozen more." She smirks.

"Just shut the **** up, Holly."
"Blaze, she is bleeding out on the ****ing hallway and I need you to elevate her ****ing head or she'll ****ing die."
(Lol @CLS. If you want, you can pretend Blaze buttdialed the boss with his phone which is in his pocket.)
(( Sai is healing Holly, but Holly will die if she bleeds out before Sai can finish ))

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Lol @CLS. If you want, you can pretend Blaze buttdialed the boss with his phone which is in his pocket.)

(( this needs to happen pls))
(Lol @CLS. If you want, you can pretend Blaze buttdialed the boss with his phone which is in his pocket.)

(I could just make Jean say it if you ask. XD)

I can't tell my dad I saw that. He will kill me this time. I saw nothing. I shut my eyes and put my weight against the door so it doesn't open.
"Fiine but this is the last time I'm touching her." I walk over and lift her head up.

"I forgot just how strong you are." She comments flirtatiously.

"Shut it or I'm dropping your head."

"Fine. You're no fun." She mutters.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I could just make Jean say it if you ask. XD)

I can't tell my dad I saw that. He will kill me this time. I saw nothing. I shut my eyes and put my weight against the door so it doesn't open.

(Yes! XD )

- - - Post Merge - - -

(After that, Jean's dad should call with the last Phase. Phase 3: Extermination. Kill the whole group. And if Blaze refuses, he'll die.)
I watch as the wound slowly begins to close up.

Let's hope she isn't bleeding internally...

She's not. I can feel it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I— I think she'll be okay now."
(Wait not whole group. Maybe just his son? Idfk. Or Jean's dad sets a meeting where he tries to kill Blaze then Blaze calls the group for help?)
(This is what happens when I have ideas at night... *sigh* There is no limit to the wild randomness...)
I sigh in relief as I hear that she is safe from through the door. I hope she didn't see me.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Wait not whole group. Maybe just his son? Idfk. Or Jean's dad sets a meeting where he tries to kill Blaze then Blaze calls the group for help?)

(I will do something along them lines. I have an overall plan anyway ^_^ sorta )
(( Jean could be from a previous marriage, and that's why his dad hates him. Daddy dearest made a new family OwO))
I pop up from behind Jean and say, "Boo." I had gotten bored of watching so I snuck back into my apartment earlier.
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I back away from Holly after I finish healing her. I'm not prepared. This is why I can't have nice things. Someone will always take them away. I— I can't..

Sai, calm
(I will do something along them lines. I have an overall plan anyway ^_^ sorta )

(Thank god... Be sure to include some drama between Jean's dad and Blaze. Blaze is starting to hate the boss now and may want to quit. ;D )

(Make him remind Blaze that he is worthless and came from the streets and is nothing more but a drunk fighter.)
(Thank god... Be sure to include some drama between Jean's dad and Blaze. Blaze is starting to hate the boss now and may want to quit. ;D )

(Make him remind Blaze that he is worthless and came from the streets and is nothing more but a drunk fighter.)

(Haha, okay, I will do exactly that.)