[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I let go of Holly's head but she stands up, grabs me, and starts a very passionate and steamed kiss. My brain stops working and the only thing I do is kiss back.

I knock on the door of Sage's apartment.

I have to get away. I can't handle being with Holly. I can't handle being with Blaze. I can't handle it. Help me Lia. I'm scared. I want to cry.

Shhh.....just breathe
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Suddenly, I can think again and I pull myself off her. She tries to grab at me again. I say, "Holly, stop it." I push her inside Sage's open door and close the door behind her.
(( I read it wrong ; o ;

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"It's okay, Sai." I notice Holly in here. "What do you want?"

She mutters, "I want Blaze back..."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Blaze didn't walk in. He shoved Holly inside then closed door behind her.)
Leaning against Sage's closed apartment door, I pull out my phone and call the boss.

(He's outside preventing you from leaving.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Holly looks over and notices Jean. She says, "Jean, why are you here? These people are not a good influence on you."
I stand and wipe the tears away.

These can't be brokenheart tears. It's just that I was scared a patient would die. Yeah, that's it.

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She says, "I'm not cheating on Dad. I wanted one last fling with an old flame."

(She's younger than Jean. o_O )
I sit down on the couch.

Sai, I'm sorry....

I... I really love him

I know, Sai, I know.