[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Oh really? But there is also a price for abandoning me and my company. And that is death. You have seen what we are capable of, don't doubt me. At least... Hear out my last mission for you, then I will let you live in peace. ?100,000,000 is the reward."

"I'll listen but that's it..."
I shake my head. "No, Sage. This was real. This is real." I rub the tears from my eyes. "I want to go home...."
I sigh. "Want me to take you then? I think you should sleep here. Then you won't be alone."
"I have all the research on these powers and abilities. We have no more need for the test subjects. We can reduce their numbers to... Let's say... Half." I fiddle with my phone. "I need you to kill half of them. I will be kind and let you choose. Because I am a generous man after all."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Holly perks up and says, "Jean, come back and tell Mommy what else you're hiding."

"No." I say bluntly.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( Holly needs to stop calling herself mommy bc it's creepy to imagine that o-e))

(Jean has the creepiest family.)
"I— I— don't know. I'll call Gio and tell him that I'm staying." My voice is shaky again.
Holly demands, "If you must know, I met Blaze before I met your father. Now, tell me. Did you try to kill Blaze?"

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"And what if I don't?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I'm here for you." I say, my arms still wrapped around Sai, helping keep her together.
(( So basically:

-Ans Ra
-Ethan (-DECEASED-)

OwO ))
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I don't even look at her, feeling like I have to tell the truth. "Not kill, more like barbecue."

"I will kill you, along with the others."
Holly sighs aloud. "When will you learn? You're dismissed. I'll be out in a second."

(Good luck getting out. Blaze is blocking door shut.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Fine. I'll do it. How much time do I have?"
Holly sighs aloud. "When will you learn? You're dismissed. I'll be out in a second."
(Good luck getting out. Blaze is blocking door shut.)

(( and once again we have the prime example of Blaze being dumb
He saw Sai go in there
And he then shoves Holly in there
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I notice Blaze is at the door, in anger from being told to go home, I push him aside to walk out.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I have to try in school shoes brb)
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I run after Jean and grab his shoulder. I shoot him an expression that says: "Help me." Then gesture to the phone.

- - - Post Merge - - -


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Holly looks Sai over. "So you're the one stealing my man, huh?"

I back up towards the door. "Blaze doesn't like me. He likes you."

Holly says, "I see the way he looks at you. And I don't like it. He looks at you 1 second too long. Tell me that's nothing."