[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I sigh. "**** happens... By the way, I'm supposed to kill half of your group or we all die. I don't want to kill anyone. Heck I don't want this job anymore... Help..."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Feeling sleep, I take my cup and go sleep in my room. (Sage out.)
I pat him on the back. "Let's just get some sleep. Morning will bring new discoveries."

(( Blaze is so thick omfg ))
(Thick? What do you mean? o_O )

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Night." I call out walking to my own apartment and crashing in my bed.
(( like
Not at all smart
Pick up on hints pls

He left Sai in a room with Holly o_e
Just why ))
I realise something. "ARGH, I'm an idiot! I can't go home now! All my stuff is there and my cleaning supplies! My clothes too! Agh, this top is still dirty from that Tea!"
(( Sai is sleeping in Blaze's then.
I guess Gio could meet Elizabeth later
I'm tired ))
(Whatever. I'm going to sleep. I won't be on much tomorrow bc clothes shopping. Anyone can control Holly. ANYONE.)
((I'll brb again but afterward I'm gonna catch up/watch Glasslip yaaaay :p))

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((Wo, as soon as I finally decide to watch Glasslip, that's EXACTLY when Myst sleeps... XD))
((Goodbye, everyone! I'm glad I picked when everyone leaves to catch up :D))

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Hearing Blaze's voice, I look away. He still intimidated me. More now than before because of all the near murder attempts... If only Helix was awake... I sigh.

((Awwwwwwww yeeeeaaahhh. :cool:))

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"Well, as you saw, Orion is a bit.....off. I was thinking of sending him to the same hospital that Shadrach is in."

(( *hint* *hint* #Oridran
idk ))

((#Oriach :p))

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(The Myst cleared away and I can finally see the Moonlite!)
(Puns are fun.)

((I'm so embarrassed that you made a better pun than me...

I think my cheeks are turning Scarlett :cool:))