[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

( OHAI )

I wake up. Jean is gone, and there's blood..in the entry hall. Oh joy.
After the ordeal of before, I decide to go to the park and relax.
((Did we time-skip to morning, or is it still the middle of the night?))
Jean and Carmen snuck off while I was pretending to sleep. Seeing Carmen leave, I feel bored enough to follow him to wherever...

((Helix has no idea Carmean is even a thing yet :p))
( Mental facilities are hard to imagine. )


After a week or two in solitary confinement, I get a room so that my treatment can begin. I get a schedule of where I'll be brought each day of the week, and apparently my new roommate is arriving later today... hopefully he's not actually off the deep end, I just have anger issues...
( Oh jesus Shad is going to smash Orion over the head with a lamp )

As we arrive at the facility, I wake up. That was a long ride. I look out the car window to see a very big building, like an academy. I get out and they cuff me. It's not like I'm getting arrested! I walk me into the building and up to a room. "Here you go, have fun with your roommate." They unlock the door, uncuff me, and push me in. Jeez, calm down, I'm not gonna kill you! I wipe myself off.

( Is Shad in the room? .-. )
I watch as a person, presumably my roommate, is thrown into the room. I stare at him. He seems... familiar. But where have I seen him before...?

((Note that Shad stayed in the hospital with Helix while Helix was in the coma... in the same room/area as Orion and the others :p))
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I see the person I'm staying with. Have I seen him before? Kinda looks like Helix. I put out my hand for him to shake. "Orion."
"Shadrach. But call me Shad or I'll pound your face in." I smile. I need help.

"So... I call this bed." I jump onto the bed on the right side of the room and motion for Orion to join me.

((I don't even))
( Oh jesus )

So, I'm friends with a knife, and he's friends with a bed. Seems legit. "Well, hello." I sit down on the other bed in silence.
"Say... I think I know you from somewhere, don't I? I can't put my finger on it, but there's something there..."
"The hospital when everyone was in a coma? Yeah, I remember you too. Was your brother Helix?" I look at him, hoping for a yes.
((To be perfectly honest with you, I have no f**king clue XD))

"Yeah, I'm Helix's brother. Oh, yeaaah... you were one of the other coma people... so you have a superpower, too?"

((We can openly discuss the powers here bc everyone already thinks we're crazy :rolleyes:))