[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"You are fairly rich, you are one of my best workers." I tell him. "Anyway..."
I start to walk to the door way. "Let's be careful..."
Not a clue. "I bet it's this way." I say, open the door and walk in, seeing that I have walked into the room with my dad and Cygnus. "Oops."
( they didnt shut the door you dont have to keep your distance anymooreee )

I turn and see a boy and girl. "Hey, new friends!" I say.
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"Oh for the love of god Jean, do you have any brain cells?"
The two guards grab us and I pull a stupid face. "Thanks Dad."
"Cygnus, like I said to them, it's the final part of the experiment, and then I let them go free. Well... One of them that is. I want to test out these powers, so I want to see them try kill each other with them. Fight to the death. Cygnus, grab my popcorn."
My stop listening at powers. Test out their... "What? They have powers?! Are they superheroes?!
I sigh. "I hate your friends Jean." I grab the neddle that I had placed on the table and look between them. "Which one of you wants to kill the other?"
(The syringe will make one of them go insane and super saiyan fight the other. Sam or Jean? Which one?)
Is he really asking us that? I couldn't hurt Jean-sama...
(You could pick randomly and wing it, flip a coin in the chatzy or something?)
Soon after Mitch injects me with something, I start to lose control. How to use my powers start to come naturally as I create a ball of water in my hands and hurl it at Jean.
I ignore him completely, and throw another water ball. This one is slightly bigger, it seems the more used to these powers I am, the stronger they are when I use them.