[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I look at Jean's sleeping form.
"I'll stay, I think. You can bring us last."
"Jean, Me, Samantha, Orion, Shad, Helix, Ans...I think that's all, since I bet this is where Sai and Gio dissapeared to.."
"No idea, Jean just mumbled about her attacking him with water powers in his sleep, so I assume Mitch got her..."
"Water powers? Mitch turned another one..." I gasp. "He... he... we ran out of the right material... Anything he possibly could've given to her could be contaminated..."
"Sorry. I've been talking far too long. Call me if you get any new information on Mitch, okay?"
I fall asleep as I watch the movie.

((^ Gio. I'm too lazy to find the hexcode. ))

- - - Post Merge - - -


(( idk how far tho
Next morning?))
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My eyes slowly open as light floods in. Huh?! Where am I? More importantly... who am I?
I wince as light hits my eyes. "It's too early..." I mutter. I open my eyes and yawn. "What time is it?"

I glance at Blaze to see his eyes open. "....Blaze?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I wake up and glance at Dusk's sleeping figure. She's pretty cute when she's peaceful.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I hug him tightly. "...Don't ever do that to me ever again." Tears begin to well up.
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I frown. "Blaze, it's not funny. I thought that you were going to die."

Answer me...
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I open my eyes, and try to remember where I am.
I see Gio next to me, and smile slightly.