[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

After an endless series of empty dreams, I'm back in my apartment.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I feel much better. Thanks."
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I think. Sai doesn't even care enough to talk to me. I haven't even seen her in the last few days... the least she could do is check up on me at least once... I have rage filled thoughts, then my mind turns again to Sage, and I drift off, tears welling up in my eyes...
I take my hands off his chest. "It's good to hear that. Alright, so what questions do you have?" I sit back and stretch.
I wake up lying on the couch. In Sage's apartment. By now I know what comes next. I sit up and wipe the tears from my eyes, then ask, "W-what do you want?"
".... I'm pretty sure that we'd find your DNA in my house if we flew back there. In terms of possessions and pictures, you just weren't that type of guy."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I smile as Dusk leans against me. "Sleep well."
"Th-then why are you here again?" I ask struggling to hold back the tears. "I...I wish you were real..."
"...We lived together for a short while before all of this," I wave around me. "happened. As for the whole no pictures thing, we were both in bad positions at the time. It just..... was impossible with the way things were."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I glance over to Sage and see her smiling in her sleep. Good to see a cheered up version.
"Wh...what...?" I get up. This Sage represents my feelings for Sage... is that a seed of doubt? Did I seriously think she could be alive? No, no, no! "No... I need to stop... I just need to enjoy what little time I h-have... with... Sage..." I walk over and hug the fake Sage. I know she isn't real, but... she feels the same. Warm.
I smirk as he hugs me. "Silly Helix."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Wait... were we a couple?" I ask cautiously. Oh, god... this must be terrible for her...
"....Yeah, kind of." I smile weakly. "We did the whole 'I love you' thing, and then this happened."
I ruffle his hair. "You're fine. You shouldn't feel bad for something you can't remember."
I shrug. "Thanks..." Why is she being so nice to me? If I were in her position, I would be terrified... The one person I love losing their memories... I frown at the thought.
I start crying on Sage's shoulder as we hug... "I c-can't... I shouldn't... you're not... her... y-you... sh-she's... d-d-dead..."