[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I realize what I just did and quickly say, "S-sorry... I don't know what came over me."
"Really?" I ask surprised.

Feeling insulted, I exclaim, "What the **** is that supposed to mean, Sai?! Was I such an *sshole before and if so, WHY WOULD YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH ME?!"

I take a deep breath. "Sorry... Just had to air that out."

"Yup... he sounds so improved."
"Mace, please." I ruffle Blaze's hair. "Don't think too much about the past. I'll tell you the full story later, if you really want to know."
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I pause by the entrance to the library. I begin to openly gape. "Wow... It's so cozy..."
"Sai, I don't mean to be rude but we had a deal... He heals then he leaves. I can't jeapordize the others' safety just for your petty love... I'm sorry. For all we know, Mitch could've put a tracking device on him before sending him here. This memory loss could be a lie as well."

(#Lia agrees)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I walk inside and go over to one of the tables to put down my bag. "Where do we start?"
(( #tru ))

He's right, Sai.

I bite my lip.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"..... Fine." I glance at Blaze. "But you have to let me take a round trip flight. We can't send him back penniless, and I still have my house."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"... I have no idea."
"Sai... I wasn't planning on sending him back to that city... Mitch still operates there. I'll send him somewhere he can survive. Anyways, he's not penniless. I checked his account and he has a good half a million in there."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I'll start by checking the database." I walk over to check one of the library computers.
..... Should I follow?

No. Sai, your life is here. Screw that promise.

"....Surviving isn't the same as living. Where are you sending him?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I glance at the rows of computers. Not exactly my type of computer.
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"I'll figure that out. I'm thinking somewhere with low crime and lots of good job opportunities. He'll be back up on his own feet in no time."

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See, Sai? He'll be okay without you.

I sit down in a chair. "Just.....give me a bit of time, Mace." I rub my temples. "A lot has happened recently."

I— I don't know whether or not I should leave with him.

Don't leave. You're ****ed if you leave and he goes back to the same way as before.
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"Sai, let me know soon. No pressure but you have until tomorrow."

(My last post for tonight. Night!)
I look at Jean's sleeping form.
"I'll stay, I think. You can bring us last."
(Okay, reading back)
(Meanwhile Jean be like->http://media.giphy.com/media/gBMwM9swFOzks/giphy.gif)

- - - Post Merge - - -

"That's correct. Wait... who's Samantha?"

(This is Samantha -> http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140807224940/degrassi/images/5/50/Juvia.gif oh wait, more like -> http://auto.img.v4.skyrock.net/4621/82404621/pics/3075167519_1_11_UzuXXtGO.gif)

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Caught up to dare.)
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