[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Uhh... you're hugging me too tight..."

I pull out my phone, illuminating the area around us. "I think Mace is on it."

Using my flashlight, I make my way to the generator room.
I loosen my grip, but I don't let him go.

Tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

I'm so scared...... My body continues to tremble.
"Stand still. We should have a back-up generator, right?"
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"I don't like not being able to see myself.." I mutter, stepping into the light of Sage's phone.
"Yup. It should be on the map."

I reach the room and start the process of turning the thing on. Wow... can't believe this is the first time we've had to use it...
"Wow... I'm gonna wash up the stuff we used, why don't you clean up the flour spills and stuff?" I start to move towards the sink, but after a few steps, I trip over. As I fall I crash into Jean, knocking him down too.

(Hey. Hey Carmen. See me down on the floor with your boyfriend?)
I step inside. "Hey—oh."
I see Ethan and Samantha.
"Ethan, I thought I made it clear you were NOT allowed in here?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I scoot a little closer to Gio.
"Samantha, get off him."
"Shut up, midget." I snap at Ethan.
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