[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I open my eyes to see light. I immediately release Blaze. "Sorry...." I mumble. I rub my tears away.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Yup. Just avoid the fact that they're deadly."
"It's fine..." Damnit... I lost my chance of escape... Wait, did I really want to escape? I shake off the thought. It's probably nothing...
I move back onto the seat and wipe the last of the tears away. ".... I've always been bad with the dark."
"Oh." I mutter, growing uninterested. Wait... I'm supposed to comfort her or something... Why do I keep saying the wrong things?

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Eh, I've seen enough of my brother. He's probably busy working, as usual..."
I hit Carmen on the shoulders childishly, to small to directly hit him square in the face. "Come ooooooon, I'm sooooo hungry!"
I grab my list and begin scribbling edits onto it.

Ans Ra - Considering his past, I could fly him over here using the excuse of visiting his wife as a cover-up.
Carmen - With Jade gone, he could fake a suicide or simply just vanish. I'm not too sure if the others will look for him. I'll bring him last along with Jean.
Ethan - Easy. He can just walk out and no one would care... but should I bring him? He isn't in any danger.
Jean - Toughest one. I'll have to find a way to bring him in, even if he's last.
Helix - He hurt my sister. The only way I can think of for revenge is to purposely bring him last. That'll show him...
Samantha - New girl. Powers may be unstable. No information on her.

Maybe I should bring Helix in next... Sage would like that...
Mace would've comforted you. Scratch what I said before, he's basically exactly the same.
"You're acting five."
I hoist him over my shoulder. "May as well treat you that way too."
"....Not very interesting, is it?" I smile weakly.

It's not your fault that you're afraid of the dark.
"Cool, let's go."

I'm glad he's leaving. Once an *******, always an *******. Watch him get wasted and pick up a whore on his first day free.

"No worries."