[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I walk into Mace's office. "Hey daddy-o."

- - - Post Merge - - -

".... You should probably get some sleep, you need to prepare for tomorrow."

And maybe you'll finally be able to heal, Sai.
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I lay the pencil down on the sheet of paper and look up to see Gio. "Hey."
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"Alright." I lie back down. "Good night." I turn my head away from her and fall asleep.
"Work. What about you?" I add quickly, "Sorry about the lack of structure. I'll call you whenever a job pops up."
"You're acting five."
I hoist him over my shoulder. "May as well treat you that way too."
I blush as I hit him lightly on the back. "HEY, HEY, HEY!"
Maybe I should send Carmen a call to meet up with me, I need to discuss joining up with me.
"Goodnight, Blaze." I whisper. I feel tears begin to well up. "I love you...."

I walk out of the room and head towards Sage's bedroom.
I try to wriggle free. "I'm NOT a potato! I will kill you Carmen I swear!" In defence, I bite into Carmen's neck angrily. "Let me go!"
"WHERE THE HELL IS MY PHONE!" I look everywhere, kick over a table and smash a light. "WHERE IS- oh wait, it's in my pocket."
I pipe up from behind Gio. "Oooh, is Helix next?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I scratch the back of my head. "Um... we'll see."
"Moron. Don't bit a wolf."
I turn into a puppy and start snapping at his heels.