[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I sigh at the laptop screen. "I can't believe I left my Cintiq at home...." I glance over to the food line and notice Sage. "Hey!"
I spot Gio sitting at a table and go over to join him. "Hey!"

I take the seat across.
"Are you f**king kidding me. GIO got here before me? GIO?!?"

I sit down next to Sage. "Wow, Gio? You're here, too?"
"What's up?" I glance at Helix. "Looks like Mace came through."
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"Yeah, hehe." I look around while I lick my lips and consume my muffin. ((Oh sorry, I thought seductive muffin-eating was a thing now. :p)) "So... when did you get here?" I ask Gio.
I.... I should go see Blaze...

"Cool. See, Mace is a good guy."

"Awhile back. Came here for a job."
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I reach for the doorknob.

"Have you heard about the new amnesia patient?"

"OMG YES. Isn't he soooo cute?"

(( I'm sorry I needed Fangirl nurses ))
"You don't like Mace either?" I say to Sage, then quickly catch myself, "I mean, you don't like Mace?"
"Hell. Yes. Like damnnnn. I want some of that."

"I heard he was taken though......"

"Who cares? He can't remember her anyway. I bet he wanted to forget about her."

I open the door and begin my walk towards the Medical center.

What if they're right, Sai? You can't possibly actually trust Blaze.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I frown. "Why not? He helped us all come here, and he's protecting Sai from asshats like Blaze."

(( Gio doesn't know about the amnesia ;D ))
"Oh. Well, he seems nice enough, but... something about him just rubs me the wrong way... and the fact that he's apparently deporting Blaze doesn't help, either..."
I sigh. "I know I'm supposed to like him and all but I don't... Can we please change the subject?"
I frown. "Why not? It'll be better if Blaze is gone."

- - - Post Merge - - -

I push the door open and enter the medical center.

Blaze isn't the type for commitments. You know that. Save yourself now.
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"Gio, Sai won't be happy unless Blaze stays. You can't deny her that, even if you don't like the guy. I mean, I hate him too, but she clearly doesn't." I sit back, chewing my muffin and taking in its beautifully crafted flavor.
I make more edits to my list.

Ans Ra - Considering his past, I could fly him over here using the excuse of visiting his wife as a cover-up. He's not in any danger but I'll keep an eye on him.
Carmen - With Jade gone, he could fake a suicide or simply just vanish. I'm not too sure if the others will look for him. I'll bring him last along with Jean.
Ethan - Easy. He can just walk out and no one would care... but should I bring him? He isn't in any danger. I can hold off on bringing him until it's absolutely necessary.
Jean - Toughest one. I'll have to find a way to bring him in, even if he's last.
Helix - He hurt my sister. The only way I can think of for revenge is to purposely bring him last. That'll show him... He's here now.
Samantha - New girl. Powers may be unstable. No information on her.

I guess that means Samantha is next then the last group will be Carmen and Jean since I promised to bring those two together.

I put my list down and start to look up information on Samantha that could help me to bring her here.
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"Stay away from Car-"
I slap Jean across the face, push him back away from Carmen and aim my gun at him. "Oh shut up, I'm your father, you should show me some respect!"
"That's what I thought." I turn to Cygnus. "Take wolf boy with us, let's get home, we need to skin the wolf."
"Don't you touch-" My dad punches me across the door and I pass out.
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