[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I take a deep breath. "Hey. This is going to sound really weird and I'm trying not to creep you out or anything but I heard you met Mitch and he did something to you."
I begin searching for the drug, taking care not to move anything.


My head feels like it's about to burst. "I'm...not...letting...you...****ing...take...over....."
I open a cabinet to see rows upon rows of vials.

"They... They had a cure...."

It was in mass production too...

My head begins to throb once again. "Stop. Lia. This body is MINE."
My computer screen lights up. An intruder in the lab? I wonder who it is... I remember I was on the phone still so I send a message to the guards to check it out.
But how do I know if I can trust him? What if he's actually on Mitch's side? "In answer to your first question, yes, I met Mitch," I answer cautiously. I shouldn't tell him anything Mitch doesn't already know at first, in case he's on his side...
Holding the phone with one hand, I stand up and walk over to the security room located a few doors down from my office. Soon, I'll find out who the intruder was.
I hesitate for a moment. "...He injected me with something. I'm not sure what it was exactly, but since then, I've been able to do weird stuff..."
I check the dosage on the vial.

"Looks like this is all I'll need." I bite my lip.

"Is this really the right thing to do...? He— He could lead a normal life..."
"I'm sorry that you had to get dragged into this... I need to put a stop to Mitch soon. But... are you in any danger soon? Who have you met so far?"
I approach the asleep Blaze and shake him softly. "Blaze, wake up." I try to keep my voice quiet.
I wake up to someone shaking me. I ask in a sleepy voice, "Hm? Is it time to go already?"
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"Jean and myself were both kidnapped by Mitch, and we escaped together, and since then I met his boyfriend Carmen."
I bite my lip. "... No. Just... don't hate me, please."

Is it really alright for me it inject him...? I— I've just been so lonely....

I grab a syringe and fill it with the vial's contents.
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I find the right view and start playing from when I suspected it would start. After seeing a few people converse and leave, the lab is empty. I fast forward a bit and almost gasp when I see Sai sneak in and take something... Upon closer examination, I see that it is a vial of the new amnesia cure. I sigh. This is what happens when you trust people... they turn around and use you... I dejectedly walk back to my office and sit down in my chair.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I'd hate to ask this of you but... do you mind coming to my base? I need to make sure the powers he gave you were... safe. Ever since I stopped working with him, his materials tend to be a little... on the dangerous side."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Sai, are you okay?" I ask, starting to feel a bit uncomfortable.