I wave to them. "Hey. Sorry about that. I had something else planned to bring you guys but... I guess this works too." I chuckle awkwardly. Mitch will find out now... even he isn't that stupid to not notice...
I crack my knuckles, getting ready to explain. "Welcome to headquarters. We're, basically, the rebels who broke away from Mitch's side when the experiments were getting too violent. Now, we're trying our best to undo all the mistakes and save the affected, that's you guys, one by one. Eventually, we plan on putting a stop to Mitch himself."
After standing there for a few moments, I let go of him, and look awkwardly at my feet.
"Do you know who they brought in a few minutes ago? It looked bad.."
I had zoned out a while ago, staring at a cobweb on the wall. "Masie, Muse, Mace, whatever, I don't know whats going on, but this place isn't very clean. I can't stay here."