[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

I walk towards Sage as she falls silent. "Sage....?" I glance down and notice the gun. My eyes widen.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( brb everyone ))
"Why? You hate me. I'm standing in the way of your happiness. Everyone wants me to die so why don't I just give the people what they want?"
"N- No I don't...." I feel tears beginning to well up. "Y- You can't die...... I won't let you...." Not while I still need you... Not when I still love you....
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I slowly approach Blaze. "N- No...."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Tears spill down my face.
(( dat cliffhanger tho

I watch as Dusk faints. "....Guess I gotta make a trip to the medical center."

"As you know, there was the whole Pollination thing. After I woke up, I- I just wanted to live a happy life. Then I met Blaze." I recount the events to Mace. "Next thing I know, I'm here."

( v~v Where's Orion's part, hm? )
( ohai im back but just for a bit, cant join chat >.> )

I watch as Mitch injects the needle into someone who wasn't in the experiment. "Hey, Mitch. Why are dragging an innocent person into this?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

( gonna leave that for when CLS comes back tomorrow, bye guys! )
(In the middle of reading through.)
"Because this way, my future experiments will be a lot more exciting." I say. "And also, it WAS meant to be Sai, Carmen, Ans Ra or ANY of the others, but it looks like I had to do it myself. And this was the result. So might as well have some fun with it."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Up to date. And since we time skipped, imagine that Jean and Samantha fell asleep or whatever in the cell over night.)
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I wake up in the cell, still chained up. For some reason, I feel wet, but there's no water in the cell. I look down at my hands, then over at Jean. "Jean? Are... Are you awake?"
"Jean, wake up!" I stare at my hands again. Small droplets of water fall from them and splatter on the floor. "Jean, I'm dripping..."
"I don't know, but that doesn't look good." I try and move over to her, but am stopped by the chains. I try and burn them off again, but fail.
I try and pull the chains off. "This isn't working, goddamit, just-!"
"Sit down." I wack my son over the head with a newspaper, making him hit the floor.
"The floor is... ugh, dirty."
"Good Morning guys."