[Roleplay] The Rebuilding - Continuation of The Aftermath

"Creep? Who do you think you are on about-"
"Stop Dad! Karyū no Hōkō!" I go to punch my dad, but he just steps back and throws dirt in my eyes.
"Jean-sama, are you okay?" I turn back to Mitch angrily. "Leave him alone! Why are you doing that to your own son?!"
"Maybe I did love him... Once... But that was a LONG time ago, my dear. And anyway, he was so useless before, tiny, scared of dirt and a terrible heir to the family. You could say I've just gave him a little upgrade. Same with you, and all the others."
( ohai im back with a plot twist )

I watch Mitch act like nothing is happening, and insult his own son. I back up into where he dropped his gun and pick it up. I go back and aim it at him. "Mitch. This is too much. At least let the girl go, and why can't you accept your own son?!"
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(I have this happy hope, that one day Jean and his Dad just get along and do father-son things :,( )
I turn to Cygnus. "Cygnus, what the hell are you doing?" I say calmly.
"W-Why can't you just... Be a Dad, for once..."
I look at Jean, wondering if he knows any more than I do. "Who's he? The one with the gun?"
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I fall and pull the trigger, the bullet flying through my head. I go limp on the ground and start to bleed.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Basically what happened. )
"I-I don't know..." I widen my eyes as I watch the man die. "Oh...God..."
Cygnus? I look at his dead body shocked. "But... Why?" I mumble, then pick up to gun, pointing it at Jean and Samantha. "You two are move, and you die too!" I call two guards to keep an eye on them as I run off to find something.
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