"We can..." I say. "We will." (I have something planned out if Ahri and Janaff get into a fight, just saying, and I literally ripped it off of a dream I had last night XD)
"We have to figure something out. If only I had my orb with me.." Ahri trailed off, her tails flowing in the wind. The rain began to pour down harder so she missed she shelter of the forest. "We should head back. The storm is getting bad. In the forest I discovered some rock caves along the rock canyon.. near the waterfall. I'll show you. It's hidden.. it's like to the left of the waterfall behind some thickets. They're deep caves that are great for shelter, we can all sleep there instead of just out in the open." Ahri explained. She talked really fast.
She looked at her wings, then back at Ahri. "Sounds like a good idea." She said nervously, glancing back at her wings again. "I don't want the rain to ruin these things!" Her wings flapped a bit at the mention of themselves.