I thought of making another roleplay when I'm in one. I want to have 5 other people join me! Plot:
On a cruise ship there are 4 passengers who are suspicious about the captain. The captain always said that everything was all right until one day the passengers hit an ice berg and the ship begins to sink. There is only one lifeboat left and it can only fit 2 people. What will they do? (Based on the Titanic)
Last name:
Picture (Url or just give me the pic):
Last name:Hime
Personality:Kind and friendly, and is 18, although she looks a lot younger! She loves the sea.
Occupation:Captain of the Cruise Ship
Ability:Able to breathe underwater and swim very fast.
Picture (Url or just give me the pic):
Name: Kawaii (Kiki)
Last name: Sahara
Personality: Friendly,Tough,Sneaky (17)
Occupation: Maid
Ability: To disappear and reappear
Picture (Url or just give me the pic):
Name: Sofia
Last name: Juno
Personality: She is a happy, confident girl from a rich background. She tries to uphold her good manners, but is very strange in the way she can take interest in weird things like the occult. She is foreign, from a Swedish background making her a somewhat a stranger to the cultures of the others. She can come off as quirky and weird sometimes.
Occupation: Rich heir to a big family (unemployed but is the next inline to take over her families business)
Ability: ??? I don't really know, I guess she can take notice to small details, making her somewhat intelligent.
Picture (Url or just give me the pic):
Name: Sorrel
Last name: Wistera
Personality: Kind and affectionate, usually putting other people before herself. She has little self confidence in her own abilities, and is easily scared. She can be far too trusting for her own good, and has a natural affection for plants.
Occupation: Gardener
Ability: She can talk to animals
Picture (Url or just give me the pic):
I'd love to join! If it's all right, I'll just role-play as David Bowie himself. Hey, it might be fun!
Name: David.
Last name: Bowie.
Personality: David has a fine sense of humour and enjoys socialising with ours, flaunting off his merry traits and scaring young children. He has a passion for music and this shows through both his singing and his dancing.
Occupation: Artist.
Ability: Can communicate with aliens.
Picture (Url or just give me the pic):