Villager DIY Rolf is making thumbprint jam cookies

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Hey there. =) Would love to stop by again to your lovely little island.
I see I've been allowed - finishing up an HHP build and then I'll be there!
Got foxtail! Thank you so much! You can take Me off allow list.
Thank you, I honestly gave up because it was so busy.
Should I remove you from the queue and pass the slot on to the next person? Or were you traveling back in? yeah... so busy today...
Got a communication error while in line for the DIY :( Any chance I can come back?
AGH, sorry Mayflower3, I'll have to let you in separately another time. It crashed on you again >.<

Yeah, it did, as I was flying in. My internet connection should be good. I've been trading with others all day. Yeah, just please let me visit later then if possible.
Finally got it! Thanks so much for your patience and generosity in opening up your town to others, especially on such a frequent basis! :)