Roller Coasters?

Do you like roller coasters?

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I admit I get nervous before going on but they're tons of fun! ^^
I've only been on motion simulation rides at Universal and one indoor coaster. The coaster I went on was "The Mummy" ride at Universal. I didn't even know it was a roller coaster until I got on it. I had previously been afraid of roller coasters since things like heights scare me. The ride was definitely thrilling, and I enjoyed it, but I don't crave for the experience again. I would go back to Universal for the motion simulation rides, though. Those things are fun and not too scary!
They're fun! I just hate going up and tipping over the edge at the top haha.
I get terrified looking at them and hearing all the screaming. And then I actually get on it and it starts going slowly which scares me, and then the ride actually starts and meh.
I use to be crazy for the darn things. All the rides other than coasters I just saw as a warm up for them. I have always had a problem with motion sickness, but coasters never caused an issue for me fortunately. It has been a while since I have been on one, but I think I can still handle it given the choice. Being a smaller person my only concern really has been falling out of the seat!
i can handle tamer ones, but i have a really bad phobia of planes and falling and so rollercoasters with a high enough drop can trigger those phobias pretty easily, the former because the stomach feeling is very similar.

i think i'd be fine if i couldn't feel them in my stomach but unfortunately for me i can.
I don't really like roller coasters. They are just waaay too high for me and I especially don't like the ones that go upside down. To be honest, I've only been on one roller coaster and I had no idea it went to the side and when it did, I almost lost my glasses. Never been on one since then. :/
I LOVE THEM! just thinking of the pure adrenaline of going super high really slow, going low super quickly and going all around is so exciting!
I can tell for sure that I'm not a fan of those huge roller coasters with tons of Loopings and such, as I can get easily sick from those. I speak from experience. :/
I got traumatized when I was a child at Disney Land Paris so no. I can enjoy them once I know what they feel like (once I've tried them), but I'm so scared to try them that most of time, I just skip them when I go to a theme park.
No, I get motion sickness easily. I also find the large ones terrifying in general. I have only been on kiddie-sized roller-coasters.
i loooooove rollercoasters. my favorite one i ever been on was space mountain when i went to disneyland because it was soooo cool.
the scariest one hands down was probably el toro at six flags, so much worse than kingda ka. i actually dont think ill ever ride el toro again lol
Yeah, I'm not too fond of anything that takes place off the ground.

Unless I'm riding a dragon. (Goes without saying really.)
no they're scary and kill a suprising amount of people