RP - ⚔ Daughter of Evil ♕

Misa headed up to Sina's house, eating befriended she went as she hadn't eaten anything else yet that day. She still had on the charm bracelet that her Royal friend had given her, in fact she'd barely taken it off, which would hopefully be enough for her to pretend she was a royal and there for not be bothered as she walked though the Royal district. She could see Sina's house in the distance, though she was still quite a walk away.

Lucas found himself laughing again. "Wow, you blush really easily," he noted, as she had done just that.
"Oh my gosh," Sina laughs, turning away and blushing redder then before. "Anyways, wanna go inside?"
"No!No, i'd be more then happy to invite you in. Remember how fun last time was?" Sina asks, smirking.
"Y-yes... I'm ok..." He murmured, the words nearly silent. He faced in the direction of the lion, staring at the flies. Or at least he would be, if he could see. Fire-like liquid dripped out of his eyes, one black and one white. He tugged his green hair, forcing it over his white eyes, attempting to force them out of their twitching state, growling, looking like he was having a mental argument with himself.

Kagari frowned, with a flood of disappointment washing over her. For two reasons; one being that she couldn't do just what she wanted to just yet, and the other was she couldn't figure out how to help him. His growling only made her concern worse. She didn't try to directly look at him, but back at the corpse. "...Something in your eye..?" She questioned quietly, rather than thinking of a response to what he had said.
Lucas grinned at the memory of what happened last time he was in her house. At the same time, he made a mental note that next time he should invite her to his house instead, as this would be the second time he has been inside Sina's house but she doesn't even know where he lives.

Misa drew near to Sina's house, and spotted the girl in question just outside, along with a boy she didn't recognise. Likely on of Sina's friends. She called over to the white-haired young lady, waving.
Sina hugged him, then opened the door,not hearing Misa's calls. "Do you want a drink or anything?"Sina asks, shutting the door behind them.
"I'm fine, thanks," Lucas replied.

Huh, I guess she didn't hear... Misa thought. She walked all of the way up to Sina's house, and after a brief hesitation, knocked on the door. She had hesitated because of the unknown person who was with Sina, though she decided since Sina was friends with him, he was probably nice.
"Okay," Sina says, walking to do the door as she hears a knock. "Misa? Come in,"she smiles, opening the door wider. "Misa, this is my b-..My friend, Lucas."
Misa smirked, suspecting she knew what Sina had stopped herself from saying. I'll have to get her to spill some details on this later, She thought, holding her hand out to Lucas to shake. "Hi Lucas. I'm Misa, if you couldn't tell," she laughed.

Lucas reluctantly shook her hand. He didn't like her straight away, it seemed something was wrong about her that was bugged Lucas, but he couldn't tell what.
Silver nodded. "Yeah, it's just something in my eye..." He said, still attempting to force his eyes to go back to their normal position. As it always did, the symbols eyes followed his own eyes movement. The crawling feeling on his eyeballs was slightly fading, slightly, but still fading. His eyes began to twitch even more, as if the imaginary fly was spinning it around.
"Handsome I'll admit, but I'm not too sure about kind," Byakuran smirked as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer against him. "Someone like you; that's true kindness if I do say so myself." He dared not go any further than holding Minda, still keeping in mind that they hadn't known each other that long.


This time, Kagari turned to look at him once again, trying to get over her disappointment. "Have... you tried... pulling on your.. eyelid... or making your eyes water?" She suggested in a murmur, having heard those options many times in the past when it came to eye issues. Some more flies buzzed around the corpse, occasionally landing on it.
"I'll try that..." Silver said quietly. He decided to make his eyes water, as doing anything with his eyelids would probably light something on fire. The question was how. After a short time of thinking, he decided to create a giant black flame. He stared into it, waiting for his eyes to water. Eventually, they did, and the imaginary fly drowned. His eyes fell back into place, but he had to close his eyes, the pain from his eyes fading slowly.
Kagari watched as he stared into the large black flame, resulting in him shutting his eyes. "...Did it work? Is it.. better?" She asked, tucking her arms behind her back. She was unaware of what exactly was in his eye, but usually water was successful in washing things like dust and eyelashes out. A bit of purple hair fell over her eyes, obscuring her vision until she pushed it away.


Byakuran smirked, noticing the faint flush in her cheeks. "...Maybe we met because of your own kindness?"
"You still responded to me, didn't you?" Byakuran couldn't deny what she said was true, but he wasn't going to give up just yet. "You could have just ignored me."