(So, how's the weather?)
(it's about 7.40pm, and I guess the weather is light snow? It's snowing where I live anyway
(So, how's the weather?)
( You can role play with Byakuran, if you'd like. ~ Sorry for my late reply by the way. uvu )
Looking at the night sky, Elsinore realized she should probably be sleeping by now, but she couldn't. She tried doing just that earlier but after an hour of tossing and turning in bed she gave up the dream and instead decided to take a walk in the hopes that the night sky and cool breeze would help her clear her mind.
One thought that flitted through the girls head was the same thought that kept her awake. 'Is it right for me to keep living in these luxurious houses while innocents are forced to suffer? But what can I do?' She looked at the moon, as if expecting it to give her the answers she needed. Predictable, she was met with silence.
- - - -BYAKURANAs if summoned by the night itself, Byakuran stood behind the blonde girl. His snowy white hair blew gently in the breeze, the moonlight lit up the area; giving his hair a silky silver shine. He was up late usually; most of the time he was unable to sleep.
During his own night-time walk, he'd spotted her out by herself; which raised his curiosity immensely, given how late it was.
"...Enjoying the night, Miss?" He murmured aloud, wishing his sudden presence wouldn't frighten her too badly. All he wished was to have a small conversation, sometimes a dark night was more enjoyable with company.
Byakuran never seemed to have second thoughts about approaching people to converse; royal or insurgent, male or female -- he would treat them all with equal respect.
Not noticing the man there before, Elsinore jumped a little with a frightened squeak. She quickly gathered herself, however, and responded.
"Y-yeah, I can't sleep so I d-decided to take a walk." She responded lamely, hoping the stranger wouldn't be bothered by her stutter.
[Be right back, switching to my 3DS browser.]