Chrome Dokuro
mist guardian
Human Form~
Name: Lucas
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Royal or Insurgent?*: Royal
Personality:Lucas is a very open person, and very warm and bubbly around other Royals. However, he hates insurgents with a burning passion, seemingly for no reason other than they are "beneath him", and won't hesitate to insult them when in the presence of an insurgent.
Shifting Animal (optional): catscrew it idk what else to shift into
Weapon (only if you do not shift):
Talents: Very quick and agile (In cat form, not so much in human form)
Flaws: Often tends not to think much before he speaks and therefore comes out with some stupid things, can barely see without his glasses
- - - - KAGARI
Kagari called back, "...One!" after she heard Silver's voice.She had finished talking to Misa awhile back, leaving her to finish her job of finding more insurgents. An overwhelming happiness had been brought down on her, she was overly pleased that the other girl had accepted and joined the uprising. Although now, it didn't seem quite like any insurgents were up. "...Maybe we.. should wait a bit?" Kagari raised her voice to reach him, as she looked around.