He pointed to the east. "That direction! Over there!" He said, staring at a house, dull and rotting, like every other house in the Insurgent district. He stared inside the house through a shattered window. "If we go through the front door, it won't be as fun kidnapping him!" He said happily, staring at the broken glass. If you were careful, you could easily climb through with less than a scratch. Still, broken glass.
"Yaaay!" Silver said, climbing through the window, purposely letting himself get cut by the glass. He sneaked around, searching for his little brother, blood dripping all over the floor, barely visible among the rotting colours and the red liquid already covering the floor.
(When you guys are done, can you kidnap Angel?)
After a few more minutes of crawling around, he spotted a very small boy, no older than 7. Even for his age, he was insanely short. He had the same hair colour as Silver, the same pale blue eyes, but this child had some sort of emotion in his eyes. One of his eyes, the left eye, was lazy, and the other was covered by his hair, the lazy eye staring in the corner of itself. He wore a black shirt with rips all over it and old jeans, which belonged to Silver when he was 7. Silver was taller at that age, so it trailed along behind him a bit. He was sitting on a rotting counter, holding a sharp, metal object, a smile plastered across his face.
"There..." He whispered, pointing to the incredibly short boy.
He felt blood drip on his arm. "Are you alright?" He whispered in a concerned voice, getting ready to pounce on his brother, who was playing with the sharp metal object. He pulled out a rope, old and rotting, to tie up his brother. "What are we gonna interrogate him about?" He asked quietly.