-=+=-[RP] The Camp - A horror story - Accepting! [RP]-=+=-

"Well excuse me, I'm being shot at!" He yelled, still not noticing the tentacles and blood bursting out of his back.
"What did I do to scare her!?" He yelled, rainbow juice dripping out his mouth. The tentacles pointed at her threateningly, but he still didn't notice them.
I conjure a mirror, flashing it at him to show him the tentacles creeping out of him threateningly, while holding my arms out protectively with Tolka behind me.
"Nowdo you see?!"
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"I'm not wearing my glasses. I can't see. I lost them." He growled, the lone tentacle hanging limp calmly, the rest threatening her. "O-octupus!?" He said, confused. His purple hair covered his eyes, which were twitching and bleeding rainbows, blood, a dark liquid, and a strange array of colours.
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I only nodded my head, my eyes wide. I reached for the mirror, wanting to check my eye.
[So sorry. I forget character's names XD]
"This lady is about to chop that octopuses' tentacles off." I say with venom dripping in my voice, while gritting my teeth.
I conjure my katana.
"You've got 30 seconds to explain why you're threatening us with your goddamn stupid tentacles."
Backing away from the others, I turned away, pulling up my bangs to look at my clockwork eye. Looking closely, I could see small gears slowly turning. I checked my other eye, finding nothing. "M-my eye..." I whimpered, barely audible.
"Ummm... tentacles...? What the **** have you been watching?" He laughed, the tentacles reacting with him as he turned his head to the side quickly, closing his eyes. Honestly, these people are crazy... His conscious muttered, staring at the people.
"Been watching you just now.. and don't play stupid with me." I say, my ice blue eyes piercing, getting more annoyed by the minute.
"Stop... Just stop it!" I shouted, my eye starting to glow. Suddenly, I looked around, seeming as if time stopped.
"Well I'm not an octopus! You're a gross person who sees octopi everywhere!" He growled, still confused. "I'm... not an octopus... why are you lying..."
I freeze in time-but only for a brief moment before I huff, violate my own rule and make my massive wings appear-spreading them and beginning to fly away in frustration.
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He was frozen in a position of him sobbing in confusion as time stopped. He attempted to move, failing due to the stop of time. After a short while, his conscious froze too.
Hi :p I would have signed up earlier but I've been kinda busy, and my internet hasn't been great. I think I'm good now though ;)

Name: Laura
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Laura is very happy and outgoing, and isn't scared to speak her mind. She will gladly make friends with new people, if they're nice.
Powers (3 limit): Manipulating water, breathing underwater (Which I guess could be achieved through manipulating water anyway)
Weapon(s) of choice: Dagger
History (keep it short and sweet): Her parents split up when she was ten, so she lives with her father, only seeing her mother every few months. She enjoyed school and had quite a large friend group, despite the fact that she is naturally guillable and easily scared, making her the usual target for every prank immginable.
Flaws (2 at least): Very gullible, scared, and also quite clumsy.

I begin to circle around the forest, but then think about Tolka and begin to worry.
I think I'll head back, who knows what that freak is doing to her.
I think to myself as I begin to speedily fly back
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