
I would have signed up earlier but I've been kinda busy, and my internet hasn't been great. I think I'm good now though
Name: Laura
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Laura is very happy and outgoing, and isn't scared to speak her mind. She will gladly make friends with new people, if they're nice.
Powers (3 limit): Manipulating water, breathing underwater (Which I guess could be achieved through manipulating water anyway)
Weapon(s) of choice: Dagger
History (keep it short and sweet): Her parents split up when she was ten, so she lives with her father, only seeing her mother every few months. She enjoyed school and had quite a large friend group, despite the fact that she is naturally guillable and easily scared, making her the usual target for every prank immginable.
Flaws (2 at least): Very gullible, scared, and also quite clumsy.