RS Designs!


Senior Member
Nov 16, 2008
What is RS Designs?
RS Designs is an AC company which covers Interior Designing, Town Designing, Landscaping, and Pattern Designing.

Who already works for RS Designs?
JOM- Head of Town Design
Naruto[NU]- Head of Pattern Design
bloodbend3r- Co-head of Pattern Design.
#gsw1996- Co had of town design
Miro- interior designer

What leading jobs our avalilble?
Head of Landscaping
Co heads for: landscaping and interior design.

What regular jobs our availble?
Designers and Workers for all fields:interior,town,landscaping, and pattern.

Do we get payed?
Yes and if everyone does well bonuses!

Is their a website?

How do I sign up for this great job?
Post here and PM Raider2338 [CEO and Founder] With the subject being (your screenname) RS Designs.

The formal name for the comapny is RS Designs Co.
I WANT IN!! do we get paid real money or bells lol!! either will do!
Yeah i can be the head of landscaping cause i have ALL the fruits.. but i am not fond of a perfect town thing.. lol.. Perfect town takes awhile and is Borrrrring but if i get paid well for it Sure!!
Love the site.You might want to put up there that if they want a town design done, they should contact me first with the details first, then I will get to you.
Haha, right - right.

So, how EXACTLY do you make these decisions? Do you just give the positions to whomever asks first, or do you actually hold a contest? Highest HRA? Most votes out of a given amount of people? Ectetra?
By the interview, expeirnece, and qualifications. Everyone who has PMed me so far is most likely to get a job.
So say I was MORE qualified, based on my "experience" (lol), would you overthrow the current king of oikology?
I am a fully qualified in animalese aswell as having a degree in animal pattern-making, gimme a job, NAO.
wow ur funny

Anyway, who is your interior decorator, "raider"?

What is all this for?

Tola said:
wow ur funny

Anyway, who is your interior decorator, "raider"?

What is all this for?

So they can pretend to have jobs because they can't get them in real life :O