Saying XD In IRC

It was blocked because when someone used it, other users would start poking fun at them for it and they ended up spamming the chat. If I remember correctly. It's not a big deal, and it's useless to get upset over it.
It was blocked because when someone used it, other users would start poking fun at them for it and they ended up spamming the chat. If I remember correctly. It's not a big deal, and it's useless to get upset over it.

But it's our right to freedom of speech!!

[23:51:19] * Silversea (~TFlash@AFB96103.C9A412EA.F7B083F9.IP) has joined #belltree
[23:51:28] <Silversea> DX
[23:51:28] <Mari> :<

no it's not.

dont speak for me pls

Someone go and put this random spider on IRC:
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I will continue to do anything I can in my power to destroy "XD".

Numpty is a Scottish word. It's a politer way of calling someone an idiot.

I think you mean idot, idot.