Can we say "*bursts out laughing*" in the IRC without getting in trouble?
Whats a numpty.
It was blocked because when someone used it, other users would start poking fun at them for it and they ended up spamming the chat. If I remember correctly. It's not a big deal, and it's useless to get upset over it.
Is DX banned?
[23:51:19] * Silversea (~TFlash@AFB96103.C9A412EA.F7B083F9.IP) has joined #belltree
[23:51:28] <Silversea> DX
[23:51:28] <Mari> :<
no it's not.
Numpty is a Scottish word. It's a politer way of calling someone an idiot.
the fact that you are making a thread about this makes me laugh, it's not like anyone here can do anything about it besides the mods
XD is just a no
ya'll nubs
youre one to talk
if you use XD then you are a weeaboo no take backs
tbt doesnt tolerate weeaboos
but then again
95% of people here are weeaboos
skrub :3 is better than XD
I thought XP was death
No it's an operating system.