Scammers and Town ruiners prevention guide.

Vex L'Cour

Weebalicious Furry.
Mar 21, 2010
Chocolate Coins
New Horizons Token
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
A Guide to stopping Scammers, Town Ruiners and other such things.

Right. I know this has been repeated a million times (Especially by me) but I'm gunna repost this for the newbs mainly.

Let's imagine for a moment. You've spent a good 2 years on your town, got all the hybrids and the trees in the right place, the town is clean, it has a Jacobs ladder patch.

It's near perfection.
So what do you do?
Naturally you decide to show it off to the internet, better yet invite people over who seem responsible and will understand what it is like to want a 'perfect' town.


Someone keeps chopping your tress
You're flowers are ruined
Noone'll own up.

So, what do you do?
The best solution to this is to shut off. IMMEDIATLY. Any changes made will not be saved as the game saves before they came over. You have to shut off BEFORE anyone can leave the town else the game saves the changes made.
Secondly invite people who have 'checked out' with other ACCF users (So they have a reputation of being good and carefull). Alot of the people who do the trampeling will be people you've just met.
Third would be to make sure you try not to play on ACCF with 'Hackers' or Modders as they should be called. These guys have items known to kill peoples towns and they love to cause misery on these games (Sad no?). I'm not saying EVERYONE WHO MODS IS EVIL because they're not, I've met really nice game modders who mod towns to be fun for other players.
Lastly try to stick close to everyone who joins your town for a game. This is the simpliest and easiest way to tell if someone is messing up your town. Sometimes though it can be hard due to people might run off thinking your being 'demanding' and they wish to see the whole town. But often this is the best solution.

if you shut off, you'll see the annoying mole resetti.

This is untrue (sorry to pull you up on it Robo). If the game is switched off/reset during a Wifi session the game doesn't penalise you with Resetti's appearence, given it will assume network connection loss each time. So don't worry about the Resetti problems and other side effects.

also if this happens and ur being scammed, turn ur wii off instantley

This again is sound advice with a slight problem. Usually you won't know you've been scammed untill it's to late.
Steps you can take to avoid being scammed:
1. Don't give out expensive and rare items to people you've just met and are 100% strangers.
2. IF they ask you to buy something and you don't know the game price ask someone who might know or quickly check online. Alot of the time people will sell you something which sounds rare but is infact fairly cheap and will leave you very annoyed. Plus also watch out if they offer you HACKED items (I will linky to a thread I'm sure is knocking around somewhere on them). Because alot of these items are not allowed to be traded on this site for a start, but sometimes they cause problems within the game, though as far as I know they're not anything to worry about.
3. DON'T buy paintings at a high price (So over about 20k). I've seen way to many people be duped into buying a painting for alot of bells because it'll complete they're gallery to find that the picture was a fake and therefore useless, make sure you get it checked first (So I suggest asking for it, putting it in your gallery THEN paying.)
4. Finally just use your smarts. IF something sounds to good to be true it probably is, especially if you just met the person.

I know this is pretty much outdated advice but I'm just reposting so people can try and look after their towns, and not come on here complaining they're town was ruined. I'll add more infomation to this for people as they need it or new scams and stuff appear.
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Well, Not much people play anymore and if they do, there's no modders trying to ruin their town so I guess this guide doesn't seem relevant to make but that's just me.
Resetti doesn't come when you shut off during Wifi.

I usually only wifi with a select group of people (or friends of those people). I will try wifing with some others and see how they act. If they seem good, I continue. If not, they are deleted from my roster.
if you shut off, you'll see the annoying mole resetti.

Resetti doesn't appear if it's been shut off durng Wifi (As it doesn't deduce the cause of it and doing soe would be punishing you when someone else could've done it)
Well, Not much people play anymore and if they do, there's no modders trying to ruin their town so I guess this guide doesn't seem relevant to make but that's just me.

You'd be surprised. Plus this guide works for all Animal Crossing Games. And with the 3DS version round the corner it's HIGHLY likely that there'll be an upsurge of Modders appearing.
u dont get resseti on wi-fi, also if this happens ur being scammed, turn ur wii of instantley
u dont get resseti on wi-fi, also if this happens ur being scammed, turn ur wii of instantley

Usually with scamming you can't tell unless you have someone who can verify if it is. Hence if you wish to buy something I'd suggest you look up what you're buying first.

EDIT:/ added to the front. Thanks Skipper
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It may be annoying to your guests, but when people are in your town, follow them around so they don't take anything or hurt your town. If you need to go sell something at Nook's, ask them to come with you. Only let people roam free if you have wified with them multiple times and completely trust them. I had somebody over earlier and he tried to take a gold rose since I left him alone for a moment.

Also, if you are selling something to someone, have all of the payment from them first. Then you drop the item(s). If you are planning on buying something, figure out the price before you wifi. Only pay within a few thousand or so bells of what the normal price is. If it has no price (such as special series items ex. Egg, Mush, Mario, etc or other items ex. Banana, Yoshi Egg, Kart) don't pay a huge amount for it. If you think a price is too high, counter it with a different price you are willing to pay. Hopefully, you can get a better price.
Who cares about Resetti at all?
get resetti a certain number of times and your villagers get pissed at you, which is always bad

also, who cares about animal crossing? :J

this guide tl;dr: turn it off if you're suspicious. that's it. unless you know for a fact that who you're with is trusted, you should be very cautious.
It may be annoying to your guests, but when people are in your town, follow them around so they don't take anything or hurt your town. If you need to go sell something at Nook's, ask them to come with you. Only let people roam free if you have wified with them multiple times and completely trust them. I had somebody over earlier and he tried to take a gold rose since I left him alone for a moment.

Also, if you are selling something to someone, have all of the payment from them first. Then you drop the item(s). If you are planning on buying something, figure out the price before you wifi. Only pay within a few thousand or so bells of what the normal price is. If it has no price (such as special series items ex. Egg, Mush, Mario, etc or other items ex. Banana, Yoshi Egg, Kart) don't pay a huge amount for it. If you think a price is too high, counter it with a different price you are willing to pay. Hopefully, you can get a better price.

I've put this more or less. But thanks for the sentiment.
Not trolling/flamming

But can you stop with the whole "I'm making all these important topics to help boost my chances of being a moderator"

I'm not being mean or anything, but it's kinda annoying. You're posting all this stuff so they think you're responsible now. They look at past stuff and they probably know that you're doing all this stuff to try get ahead of everyone else. At first when you made the "Color Change Info" topic I was like 'Yeah, he's just trying to mini mod to raise his chances, but now you've made another one, it's really annoyed me.

Like I said, not being mean. so if you flame you must have a problem with me.
Not trolling/flamming

But can you stop with the whole "I'm making all these important topics to help boost my chances of being a moderator"

I'm not being mean or anything, but it's kinda annoying. You're posting all this stuff so they think you're responsible now. They look at past stuff and they probably know that you're doing all this stuff to try get ahead of everyone else. At first when you made the "Color Change Info" topic I was like 'Yeah, he's just trying to mini mod to raise his chances, but now you've made another one, it's really annoyed me.

Like I said, not being mean. so if you flame you must have a problem with me.


I'm not trying to be a Mini-mod Biddy. I've made these topics before on the old TBT. I'm just reposting and reevaluating.
The color change one was to stop people posting on Jer's thread about it when people had said the solution many times. So I posted the thread to try and stop this.

I understand your point, dw I posted this thread then thought "Wait, someone's BOUND To complain thinking I'm trying to score bonus points" but I have posted this all before in the past.
J/s. If you think I am Idc, I know I am not trying to I'm literally trying to be helpfull to people.
Not trolling/flamming

But can you stop with the whole "I'm making all these important topics to help boost my chances of being a moderator"

I'm not being mean or anything, but it's kinda annoying. You're posting all this stuff so they think you're responsible now. They look at past stuff and they probably know that you're doing all this stuff to try get ahead of everyone else. At first when you made the "Color Change Info" topic I was like 'Yeah, he's just trying to mini mod to raise his chances, but now you've made another one, it's really annoyed me.

Like I said, not being mean. so if you flame you must have a problem with me.

To be honest Aeri, I kind of agree. I'm not hating or anything or saying this because I'm running aswell, heck I wouldn't mind who ever becomes moderator. Also like you said that you've made topics like this before, I've check your past topics and no you haven't most of it is just discussions,art and the blog tree. Again I'm not jealous, Hating, flaming, it's just getting kind of desperate because it's really Ironic all of a sudden you start being helpful and it kind of shows that it's an act.

Its just my 2 cence, I may be wrong, I may not have understood, I may be stupid, you may hate me but I was thinking about this for a long time and now that Bidoof has agreed with me, I just had to say.

I'm not jealous trust me Aeri, I'm your friend but it's just kind of saying something. Sorry if it offends you just saying.