This is a
very overdue post for me... So, I'm gonna have a monstrous dump of photos here.

You have been warned!
It seems Sly and Ankha have been hitting it off lately! (A budding romance, perhaps...?

They're surprisingly cute to me! A Jock and a Snooty~

Speaking of interesting relationships between villagers, it seems The Little Red Riding Hood trope between Fang and I is also taking off! (How perfect that this specific dialogue happened in the fruit orchard––specifically, by the apple trees––next to Fang's house, 'cause
the story I wrote for TBT's Winter Short Story Contest takes place exactly there in a very similar fashion!)
Also, can I just mention how great Fang looks in glasses?? (I mean, many of my villagers tend to look pretty good in specs, whenever they spontaneously dawn them, to my absolutely pleasure~) Just look at him with them on here!! He really looks like a
handsome professor or scholar!
And he's complimenting me on my dress. I can't... ❤
Genji came up to sit behind me the other day just as I was sitting and waiting for someone to come by for a trade! What a good friend wanting to keep me some company~

(Or, just wanting to hog all my attention, like the baby bunny he often is.
I did gift him a gray baby romper once, and he wears it sometimes, so...)
My first tea party with Hopkins in his
crazy cluttered cute yard!
A good look at my completed art gallery after I won a giveaway of all the genuine art and statues! Truly a sublime feeling and experience.
Here's Frank chillin' with an orange soda in my 'dark fairycore' area/garden. His plumage suits the color scheme so well!

Mummy dog returns to life as he
Naruto runs through the rain~ Lucky coming to life gives me life!
boring peaceful lesson with my
literally sweet classmate, Lucky~
Aaaand there I go snoozin' while Lucky stealthily snacks in the middle of class!
Senpai noticed me!! Fang noticed the puppy plushie I placed in front of his house!!

(It honestly made my day that much brighter~)
Don't worry; I was a weird kid, too, Fang...
And now I'm an even weirder adult.
A night under the stars~
Uhh...! (Quick, Aly, think of something cool and natural to say!) ...I woof you.
Until next time, folks!