Screenshots & Video Capture Share Hub for Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Teddy is such a cutie ♡♡ he must be protected
Since my main island is now on a lite I got because I thought my switch was gonna die (I was wrong... it was the cartridge ) I made a new island on the old one.


I love this bear so much

Also found agent S! I'm suuper happy I did, because I was planning on trying to find her (since shes basically squirrel Kid Cat) and have wanted in general, but have never run into her ♡♡
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Even though I've been playing since before winter last year, for whatever reason, this is my first time experiencing a snow winter on ACNH!

Day 1
My first snowball I rolled all the way into the river. Then, the third snowball, I rolled into a lamp post and it broke. Eventually, I made a snowboy!

Day 2

This is a very overdue post for me... So, I'm gonna have a monstrous dump of photos here. 😓 You have been warned!

It seems Sly and Ankha have been hitting it off lately! (A budding romance, perhaps...? 👀 They're surprisingly cute to me! A Jock and a Snooty~ 🥰)



Speaking of interesting relationships between villagers, it seems The Little Red Riding Hood trope between Fang and I is also taking off! (How perfect that this specific dialogue happened in the fruit orchard––specifically, by the apple trees––next to Fang's house, 'cause the story I wrote for TBT's Winter Short Story Contest takes place exactly there in a very similar fashion!)



Also, can I just mention how great Fang looks in glasses?? (I mean, many of my villagers tend to look pretty good in specs, whenever they spontaneously dawn them, to my absolutely pleasure~) Just look at him with them on here!! He really looks like a handsome professor or scholar! And he's complimenting me on my dress. I can't... ❤

Genji came up to sit behind me the other day just as I was sitting and waiting for someone to come by for a trade! What a good friend wanting to keep me some company~ 💕 (Or, just wanting to hog all my attention, like the baby bunny he often is. 😌 I did gift him a gray baby romper once, and he wears it sometimes, so...)

My first tea party with Hopkins in his crazy cluttered cute yard!

A good look at my completed art gallery after I won a giveaway of all the genuine art and statues! Truly a sublime feeling and experience. ✨

Here's Frank chillin' with an orange soda in my 'dark fairycore' area/garden. His plumage suits the color scheme so well! 🖤💚🧡💛🤍🤎

Mummy dog returns to life as he Naruto runs through the rain~ Lucky coming to life gives me life! 💖

Another boring peaceful lesson with my literally sweet classmate, Lucky~

Aaaand there I go snoozin' while Lucky stealthily snacks in the middle of class!

Senpai noticed me!! Fang noticed the puppy plushie I placed in front of his house!! 😍🥺 (It honestly made my day that much brighter~)


Don't worry; I was a weird kid, too, Fang... And now I'm an even weirder adult.

A night under the stars~ 🌌

Uhh...! (Quick, Aly, think of something cool and natural to say!) ...I woof you. :oops:

Until next time, folks! 💫
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how does marshal look in his new oversized shawl overshirt? soo cute!! :love:
poppy asked me to give it to him, as a apology for the pointless fight they had...