Screenshots & Video Capture Share Hub for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

In celebration of the completion of my horror RPG 🥳

I decided to share a few screen shots from some of the creepier movies I've made on harvs island. Actually made one

Heres two.

*No.1 fan*
After his idol/friend, fails to reconize him, and his admiration. One cat takes matters into his own hands.

*Here to Stay*
A simple meeting goes wrong, as things take an unexpected turn.
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Birthday time for Reneigh with special guest, fellow new-for-New Horizons villager Cyd.Not much room to maneuver with these large animals dancing and prancing around.


Animal Crossing:A place where dogs and cats live in harmony........and humans don't need litter boxes or pooper scoopers.


Never look a gift horse in the mouth because they'll hit you with their bug net if you try......personal experience...........

Managed to snap a picture of Hans in his favourite jumper. He wears this all the time. I gave it to him by accident when he first moved in (I was supposed to give him a ski jacket) but I'm glad it happened, feels like fate.

This personally confirms to me that Hans is definitely gay lol he loves his rainbow sweater so much. Thought since it's still pride month I'd just share it :)
It's been a while I didn't share some screenshots so here's some random ones I like:








Last but not least, Poncho left the Island, I went Island hopping but did not find any jock villagers, I thought I had some time but finally my plot autifilled and I got a sheep... why? I hate sheeps... I don't remember who is from Royale-3 but thanks 😅

I love this event! Its definitely one of my favorites, esspecially having everyone there (except Filbert and Genji)
Partying, and I'm stuck on the piano organ-

I thought it would be cute to have me look like I was playing it. But, I didn't realize I put Kid Cat in front of me. So I was stuck 🙄

But I'm glad everyone else had fun lol

I found a cute school uniform design, so I decided to wear it today...and Able Sisters happened to be selling a stagehand hat, which, when combined with the uniform, leads to a very interesting result. As you can see, Flick is speechless.
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I found a cute school uniform design, so I decided to wear it today...and Able Sisters happened to be selling a stagehand hat, which, when combined with the uniform, leads to a very interesting result. As you can see, Flick is speechless.
For like, half a second, I thought you had scribbled a black mark over your reps face (to protect their identity, of course). 😅

this pic really gives out studio Ghibli vibes. I don't know why.

My room!! Let me know what's your opinion! My dad tell me that this is too cluttered, ugly and i feel so dissappointed lol.

Yes Marshal thats so true! Even someone saying thank you to me brightens my day.

Marshal is here!

Celeste and Maple secret relationship???!?!?!?

Tybalt looks so cute! I think he's telling his friend or boyfriend that he's gonna catch a monster catch!

I've never seen it but I've seen a YouTube video on it. Its a glitch that's come with one of the latest patches. It doesn't affect everyone and seems kind of random. But it does no harm. He will still function as he should
thanks i was a little nervous to talk to him. glad to know it wont freeze the game or anything c: