Ok so last night I decided my island was ready for it's 10th and final resident. Now for 1 through 8 I just let the game decide for me. For number 9 I decided to get a little choosy because I still didn't have a snooty. So when island number 8 or 10 hit and I met Willow I selected her because she's snooty and quite pretty.
But last night was different. It was number 10 after all. After a couple hours and 20 or so nook miles tickets I had been on quite an adventure. I landed on a tarantula island around trip number 15 but still nobody that met my criteria.
- Someone rare and special. Highly coveted.
- Someone really weird like a robot, octopus etc.
And then it happened. I landed on an island full of blue and purple windflowers (of which I picked many) so I knew someone special was going to be here. Then I met him. I knew right away he was my guy. My special number 10.
Been doing some Animal Crossing photography inspired by Jessica Kobeissi. Here's my Garden Shop when I first built it (look out Leif, you got competition). It looks a lil different now.